大航海時代 DB

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      그려진 이상
      기한 없음
      나폴리 모험가조합
      Before, you investigated the chart of the human body which Da Divinci drew right? Actually, I heard that he said there was a similar picture describing the human body. The Guild is requesting that research. Do you want to try and find out?

                      Da Vinci (Marseilles)
                      Durer (Lubeck)

                      Keen eye of a genius
                      I can't believe it. You've come to disturb me again. Indeed, the copper etchings in the background are done in detail, but what is really wanted to be expressed is the human body based on Vitruvius' theory. Tell the Painter Lubeck that's how it looked to my eyes.

                      True expression
                      Just as I'd expect from Leonardo da Vinci. He would be able to simply see through to what I wanted to express. Indeed what it is expressed is Paradise and the original sin, but what I truly wanted to get across is the difference between ideal female and male bodies and balance. There is still much to paint! The painting is displayed on the shelves behind, me so go take a look!

                      Appeal of anatomical drawing
                      In the copper etchings drawn by Durer, the prodigy saw through it and wanted to express of the theory of Vitruvius. I'll look through the shelves to find the painting.

                      Brought to you by NOTC (Spy.)

                        • 발견물
                        • 아담과 이브 ★★ (미술품) 경험치:300 명성:150
                          낙원을 배경으로 남녀와 동물을 그린 조각 동판화. 뒤러의 사대 동판화 중에 가장 먼저 제작되었다. 테마는「원죄」.
                          비트루비우스의 인체비례를 채택하고 있어 고대 조각의 이상적 형태가 제시되어 있다.

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                          그려진 이상 99997364

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