大航海時代 DB

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      흉악한 뱀장어
      기한 없음
      이스탄불 모험가조합
      Hey you! It seems that they've discovered some big eels in the eastern sea. The guild is currently hiring people to investigate strange rumors. you interested? There have been reported sightings in various areas of eels with heinous-looking faces. While their bodies look like a normal eel, their faces and teeth are unlike we've ever seen. If you are interested, go collect some information at the rest area.

                        Pre-Quest and Pre-Discovery:
                        무태장어 - 동아시아 서부 5409,4046
                        북미 연안의 조사 6 8 롱아일랜드

                        1. 이스탄불 - Talk to Rest House Master
                        2. 이스탄불 - Talk to Customer
                        3. 카사블랑카 카사블랑카 주점 - Talk to Barkeep
                        4. 리스본 리스본 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                        5. 리스본 리스본 서고 - Browse 생물학 x2
                        6. 리스본 리스본 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                        7. 리스본 - Talk to Port Official
                        8. 버뮤다제도 앞바다 - Around 13221,3301 (just southeast of Long Island) use 관찰 & 생태 조사

                        Delicious or Nasty-Tasting?
                        Ah, those eels with nasty-looking faces. When cooked, eel is quite tasty, but it's hard to imagine that something with such a nasty-looking face could taste good. But who knows, maybe they are tasty. I'm quite intrigued by this eel. Hey, you! Do you know anything about this heinous-looking eel?

                        Eel Rumors
                        My husband can transform any fish into an exquisite dish. I've heard the rumours about this odd-looking eel. You can occasionally find eels with sharp teeth rising to the sea surface along the North Africa coast. You should inquire more about this in Casablanca.

                        Face of a Devil
                        Ah, that devil fish story. What a frightening face those fish have! When I was just a child I remember seeing a dead one with its mouth wide open. For quite some time afterward I remember seeing it in my dreams. You want to cook a meal out of that? You've gotta be kidding me! Anyway, what IS it? I wonder if the scholar in Lisbon knows anything.

                        Find a Description
                        Ah, so you're conducting an investigation about this devil fish, eh? That reminds me, there are some books in the library that mention a devilish fish. Still, there is nothing definitive written about it. This is a good opportunity to compile and read all of the information available.

                        Porto Fish Entry
                        We had a bad blue mackerel harvest this year. To make matters even worse, this summer lots of fish with the body of an eel and the face of a salmon were found in the fish hauls. Like I said, we had a baaaad year. Most of the sardines that were caught this year were scrawny...

                        Fishing Accident Entry
                        One fisherman who was bitten by a fish reportedly sustained injuries. The fish had a long body... It states here that the bugger had razor sharp teeth. This was not the only fishing accident...

                        Mysterious Reasons
                        Even though these books contain information about the fish's unique appearance and behavior, nobody seems to know much about it... This creature exists in a world where humans can't live. The port official might have heard about recent fishing accidents.

                        Recent Accidents
                        Accidents involving fish bites? I haven't heard anything like that in these parts. Aah, wait a second. Recently, I heard there was an adventurer sailing around the northern part of the new continent that caught an eel-like fish with sharp teeth. Startled, he threw it back into the ocean. If I'm not mistaken he was around Long Island at the time.

                        Pursue the Bizarre Eel
                        The strange fish with an eel-like body, sharp teeth and a heinous appearance which some have called the devil is extremely hated. Because it can bite people, I want to learn about this creature and warn people about it. There have been recent sightings reported in the northern part of the New World, around the Long Island area.

                          • 발견물
                          • 주름상어 ★★★★★★ (해양생물) 경험치:1030 명성:393
                            몸집이 뱀장어처럼 가늘고 긴 상어. 심해에 산다는 정보도 있지만 자세한 것은 알려져 있지 않다. 연안에서는 낚시 그물에 걸리는 일도 있다고 한다. 생태를 비롯한 대부분의 정보가 불명확한 상어다.

                            ※ 댓글이 매우 많아 최신 댓글 30개만 표시하고 있습니다. (206 ~ 235) 댓글 모두 보기 (1 ~ 235) / 댓글 안보기

                            2017-01-29 05:32
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                            2017-01-29 17:11
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                            2017-01-29 17:43
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                            2017-01-30 23:30

                            2017-02-01 18:45
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                            2017-02-01 20:07
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                            2017-02-01 20:52
                            장어구이는 됐고, 이제 통닭이 남았네.

                            2017-02-01 20:53
                            다 늙은 노인네가 텐트를 어찌 치겠누?
                            그것도 빅텐트를.

                            2017-02-01 20:53
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                            2017-02-01 20:54
                            등짝. 등짝을 보자...

                            2017-02-02 00:23
                            반기문 지지자들의 명복을 액션빔

                            2017-02-02 00:42
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                            2017-02-02 00:42
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                            2017-02-02 13:19
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                            2017-02-02 14:48
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                            2017-02-02 16:05
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                            2017-02-02 16:42
                            위에 시린 텐트드립 ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

                            2017-02-05 15:37
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                            2017-02-06 12:49
                            반기문은 끝났고,
                            2대 흉악한뱀장어 황교안의 등장이다.

                            2017-02-06 13:21
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                            2017-02-06 16:14
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                            2017-02-06 22:22

                            2017-02-23 04:09
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                            2017-02-23 11:19
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                            다른 사냥감을 찾아라.

                            2017-02-23 15:06
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                            2017-02-24 00:16
                            안희정 얘기는 호르피나에서 합시다
                            윤재인 얘기는 금에서 하고

                            흉악한 뱀장어 99997306

                            흉악한 뱀장어 정보가 백업되어 있는 임시 대피소로 오세요!

                            임시 대피소에서는
                            1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
                            2. 화면에 보이는 대부분의 링크들은 작동하지 않습니다.
                            3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.