학자로부터의 과제
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이스탄불 모험가조합
Do you know the scholar in Benghazi? i'm sure you've involved wuth him before, seeing as you have set foot in the interior of the Luxor temple. It seems he's dedicated to the study of the Nile basin.... The adventurer guild master is holding a letter addressed to you from Benghazi. Go and talk to him.
You're here. The scholar from Benghazi is waiting on ya. It must be serious if he'd go through the trouble of leaving a meessage with me. Matbe he made some exciting discovery.... Have you head the story of his once-in-a-lifetime story?
Ye know the Abe Simbel Temple? The ruins all the way up the Nile river that you discovered before The scholar from Benghazi went into the ruins. He discovered priceless artifacts like you did, and set his mind on advancing his research. What he found next..
A statue of a god, bald but with a chin beard. Its body was wrapped with cloth like a mummy. Hoping to learn more about
this statue, he found a path deeper into the interior and hoped to continue his study. But things did not go so easily...
He eas attacked by enemies blocked by traps, and returned holding back tears. it wasn't the type of place a mere scholar could handle himself. He then had this thought-- if you have the necessary knowledge, maybe you could teach him the waiy into the further depths of the temple, and help him with his research.
What d'ye say? You are well-known for your exploration of ruins, and if you ask about a god of similar image around the reast in Cairo, you should be able to gain all the information you need. I'm sure you have some idea.
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