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      역사서에 있는 생애
      기한 없음
      알렉산드리아 모험가조합
      Have you heard of Diodorus? He was an ancient Greek Historian, but much about him is still a mystery. there is a request from a Historian to find someone who knows his life. Knowing about the life of ancient historians seems difficult, you might obtain information from scholars in the city.

                      1 - 알렉산드리아 서고 Scholar x2
                      2 - 나폴리 교회 Search left of bookstand

                      He left a history book. It was merely something to connect to the literary works of his predecessors, but the works of the predecessors have vanished, so it is treated as a valuable history record.
                      Also, upon unravelling the history...

                      Historical text
                      He travelled around Egypt for 10 years and it's clear that he was in Rome. But in the term of things that exist now above his life, that's about all that is written. There are very few of his own literary works remaining... That work is stored in the church of Naples.

                      Life in the remaining historical text
                      There are no documents on Diodorus's life, but through the literary works that he left, we can get a glimpse at his life. I'll go to the church in Naples immediately and look at his work.

                        • 발견물
                        • 역사총서 ★★ (보물) 경험치:370 명성:185
                          3부 40권으로 이루어진 역사가 디오도로스의 저서. 1권에서 5권은 각국의 신화를 정리한 것이며,10권부터 20권은 연대사로 구성되어 있다. 그 이외의 권은 행방불명인 것 같다.

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                          2020-10-17 02:13

                          역사서에 있는 생애 99997285

                          노아의 방주 프로젝트 완성! 大航海時代DB 신관 오픈! https://dhodb.com/