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      이국의 고대 화폐
      기한 없음
      알렉산드리아 모험가조합
      There are all sorts of people out there.For instance,collectors of ancient currency and so on.So,there is a request from that collector to find ancient currency from the Persia region.The rewards sounds like it will be high.How about consulting with the scholars first?

                        1. 알렉산드리아 서고 -> scholar
                        2. 쿠헤라흐마트 -> near oasis

                        고대 페르시아 대궁전 1 3 1 페르세폴리스 유적

                        That's right...In the lands west of Hormuz,there are the remains of the Achaemenid Empire.There may be something remaining from the Achaemenid Empire or the attempts at their revival by the Sassanid Empire.During the Sassnid Empire,there were many silver coins minted

                        The ancient Persian Dynasty of the Sassnid Empire created many silver coins.The goal of the Sassnid Empire was the revival of the Achaemenid Empire,so there may be some traces around here.I will immediately head off to the lands west of the landing point for Hormuz,head to the ruins and search around the Oasis.

                          • 발견물
                          • 디렘 은화 ★★ (보물) 경험치:250 명성:125
                            사산조 시대에 제조된 은화.
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                            이국의 고대 화폐 99997278

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