大航海時代 DB

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      사막의 수렵견
      기한 없음
      튀니스 모험가조합
      A merchant is searching for a dog that can withstand the desert environment. I believe he wants to take it with him on his caravan journey. The desert is cruel. How could a dog withstand that? Anyway, why don't you try Arguin for information?

                        1. Arguin - Barkeep
                        2. Arguin - Barkeep
                        3. Arguin - Near Resident - Ecological research

                        Hunting Dogs
                        Lookin for dogs that do well in the sun? Hmmm... I would say that a type of dog you frequently see around here would fit that description. But I would think twice about using it for trade. That type of dog has been bred over many generations to hunt.
                        Amount of Activity- Huge
                        Since it hunts, they put it on top of a camel when traveling. That is to preserve it's energy for the hunt. Once it finds its prey, it does not stop until it catches it. So riding the camel saves it's energy. Merchants would not have the love to let it ride a camel, nor the time to let it hunt as it has been trained. They could not handle this dog.
                        Desert Dog
                        Apparently a dog that meets the requirements of the request actually does exist. But it does not seem like the kind that would be good for a merchant. I will include that in my report. I was told that the dog is occasionally seen even in town.

                          • 발견물
                          • 아자와크 ★★★★ (중형생물) 경험치:620 명성:255
                            서아프리카에 서식하는 개. 가늘고 긴 꼬리와 다리를 가졌으며,근육이 발달하여 신체능력이 높다.

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                            사막의 수렵견 99997271

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