大航海時代 DB

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      장대한 물
      기한 없음
      세인트조지스 모험가조합
      Thank you for the waterfall survey report. The client is also satisfied. We expect your skills can help with yet another favor we'd like to ask. The same client has another survey request regarding a massive waterfall said to be near Rio de Janeiro. First go check out Rio de Janeiro.

                          미발견의 작은 섬 5 7 1 폰페이 섬
                          현지 조달 진행 4 6 케프로이 폭포
                          까마득한 높이에서 떨어지는 물 4 6 1 앙헬 폭포
                          울려 퍼지는 천둥소리 8 10 1 모시오아 투냐
                          장대한 물 7 9 1 이과수 폭포
                          거친 파도의 거대 폭포 11 13 1 나이아가라 폭포

                          1. 리우데자네이루 - Talk to Barkeep
                          2. 리우데자네이루 - Talk to Merchant
                          3. 남미 남동쪽 해안 - use 관찰 and 인식

                          1.Grand Scale
                          Speaking of a massive waterfall in the area, there's one to the west. It's called "Big Water." As the name suggest, the falls are supposed to be enormous, Whether that's true or not, i don't know. I've just heard hearsay. Maybe that customer over there knows something about it.

                          2.Surprisingly Wide Flow
                          Oh, if it's that waterfall you're talking about, I've seen it from a distance. Even though i was far away i could see its force, so i thought that it was considerably big. What makes it so grand is its width. It's particularly spectacular during the rainy season. It's so powerful that is seems like it might swallow you up if you get too close!

                          3.Witnessing the Grandeur
                          The large waterfall in the vicinity of Rio de Janeiro is said to be incredibly wide. They call it "Big Water." Get a look for yourself, investigate and report. As the merchant told us, sail southwest from Rio de Janeiro, land and then travel northwest on land.

                          FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                          Discovery Reward :
                          680 Adventure exp

                          Card Reward :
                          이과수 폭포 340 Adventure exp

                          Quest Reporting Reward :
                          의뢰 알선서 , 220 Adventure exp , 100 Adventure fame

                            • 발견물
                            • 이과수 폭포 ★★★★ (지리) 경험치:680 명성:280
                              대략 4km 정도 폭을 가진 남미의 거대 폭포.
                              이과수란 현지 언어로「장대한 물」이라는 뜻이다. 세계 최대급 너비의 강줄기가 쏟아져 내리는 모습이 이름처럼 압권이다.

                              댓글 안보기

                              장대한 물 99997262

                              노아의 방주 프로젝트 완성! 大航海時代DB 신관 오픈! https://dhodb.com/