기한 없음
포르토벨로 모험가조합
There's a request from Raul at the tavern. He said that he wants you to come to his place when you get here. He'll tell you the specifics himself.
1) Raul (Portobelo) -Cut scenes Part 1
2) Sheck van Wald (Portobelo) -Cut Scenes Part 2
3) Barkeeper (Tumbes)
4) Market Keeper (Tumbes)
5) Maiden (Tumbes)
6) Resident (Tumbes) -Cut Scenes Part 3
Discovery! (Tumbes - Near Resident)
"His ""fatality"""
The reason Raul called for you in Portobelo is to report the results of Scheck von Wald's investigation. It seems to have something to do with Pizarro. When you get through the first stage, go and talk to Raul again.
Francisco Pizarro
Pizarro was born into the lower ranks of the aristocracy and has no hope of a responsible position, so he longs for fame and fortune. I can imagine Pizarro getting involved in attacking people and rumours of valuable treasure, but there are several problems with the his suspicion. Let's go to Tumbes and find the truth.
"""Man with a moustache"""
In the town of Tumbes, Pizarro goes by the name of Sonyu Kasapa. Once, he was mistaken for a Quechuan creator deity, but now his name means "Man with Beard". Scheck von Wald isn't here yet. Let's go and hear what people are saying on the street.
A voracious god?
Aah, the man with the beard. He didn't bear the slightest resemblance to creator deity. He was an avaricious man. At first everyone thought he was a real reincarnation of a creator deity and they gave him gold ornaments and offerings. But the man with the beard melted down the gold and demanded more green stones... He was the master of evil.
Greed that knows no end
At first the man with the beard just said gold, gold, gold, but now he's just infatuated with green stones. He heard that there was one the size of an ostrich egg. Those stones break easily, so I don't think there could be one that big.Recently, I think he's been looking for a mine.
The truth of the matter
I'm afraid Pizarro has already got hold of the quipu. But he still hasn't found the Spirit of Umina. The quipu belonged to the Chibcha but what happened to their most valuable treasure? I heard that Chibcha was the hometown of the Sun priestess Lauer.
Pizarro, the man with a moustache
If you follow Pizarro's actions, it's clear he got the information from the Inca king Atahualpa and attacked the Chibcha to get the quipu. But there are a lot of unexplained things. Something fell out of the shoulder bag being carried by the Chasqui, who Pizarro killed and who had the quipu. Why not search the area?
Adventure Version!
Quipucamayocs Title parts
가짜 성녀 1
불길한 조짐의 전달자 2
챠스키의 어깨가방 Currently Here!
책임과 선택 6
키푸 여신의 영혼 12
우미나의 영혼 키푸 카마욕 1
City Discoveries! (Must Finish the quests above first!)
비경의 도시 9
안데스에 우뚝 솟은 도시 9
쿠스코 경계하는 잉카 제국 10
의식의 장소 10
마추픽추 Finite!
- 발견물
- 타프 이 알카 ★★★ (보물) 경험치:500 명성:225
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3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.