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      잃어버린 문화
      기한 없음
      리마 모험가조합
      There's a request from a renowned Explorer of this town. North of this city, there is a recently destroyed kingdom. The request is to investigate that kingdom. The Explorer himsef is investigating too, so ask him about it directly.

            1. 리마 - Talk to Famous Explorer
            2. 람바예케 - Talk to Barkeep x2
            3. 람바예케 - Talk to Merchant
            4. 람바예케 - Talk to Barkeep
            5. 람바예케 - Talk to Merchant
            6. 쿠스코 - Talk to Gatekeeper x2
            7. 쿠스코 - Observe and Search on the big structure gold-like coloured.

            Pre-Quest Required:
            안데스에 우뚝 솟은 도시 9 11 10 쿠스코

            1. Impossible investigation
            Rather than having recently been destroyer, it appears that about one hundred years have passed. They appear to have had a high level of technology, but the investigation isn't going anywhere. I want you go to Lambayeque. There should be a hint for my investigation in that town, but there isn't even the slightest talk about a destroyed country...

            2. Immortal country
            It's because of the idea that it was "destroyed" that the investigation isn't going forward. The country is called Chimu and the people living around here are the descendants of that country and technology hasn't been lost. They live amongst us... Chimu has not been destroyed. Why is that that's because...

            3. Many among the Chimu people are talled and bigger than the Quechua people. Thi is the expression of the Chimu as a warrior people. They were always fighting and training, so their descendants have that kind of body as well. The blood of the Chimu continues to live on.

            4. Between destruction & unification, conquering & coexistence
            You've been to Cusco, right? If so, you've seen the incredible aqueducts. That is most likely Chimu technology. The Chimu were certainly destroyed by the Empire. But that Empire did not destroy everything. They took in the technology and fused the cultures, and the people coexisted.

            5. A different culture
            The blood of Chimu continues to flow in our veins even now, and the culture of the Chimu lives and breathes in the Andes. This is something that you Europeans just don't get. You wipe out your enemies, destroy other cultures and deny that the losers existed... That's very tragic.

            6. The final king welcomed as an emperor
            If you want to investigate Chimu, you should go to Cusco. The last king of Chimu was taken to Cusco, and the country was destroyed. The king appears to have married the Empress and entered the nobility and was treated courteously. Maybe someting of the things he took with him from his kingdom still exist?

            7. High level metallurgy
            When the Chimu royal family came to Cusco, they carried works of gold. The Emperor liked these works of gold and the King of Chimu offered these to the Emperor. That's how the advanced metallurgy of the Chimu came to the Empire. And then...

            8. Mummies that live on. culture that lives on
            When the King of Chimu died, as an act of appreciation and condolence, the Emperor returned the works of gold. As burial goods for the King Chimu's mummy. For the Chimu culture, they meanr for their last King to continue on. Those gold works would be in the temple. Anyone can go and see them.

            9. Pacific country faced with a conquering country
            The country that the famous Explorer from ima was investigating was called Chimu, and it was destroyed by the Incan Empire. But the technology and culture were taken up by the Incan Empire and it lives and breathes even now. The gold works that the Chimu royal family brought are in the Cusco Temple

            침 왕족의 황금 장식

            의뢰 알선서

              • 발견물
              • 침 왕족의 황금 장식 ★★★★★★ (종교유물) 경험치:1040 명성:400
                안데스 산맥 북쪽에서 잉카 제국 이전에 번영했던 침 왕국 왕족의 부장품. 고도한 치금 기술은 제국이 세워지기 이전부터 전해져오는 것이었다.

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                잃어버린 문화 99997021

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