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      의식과 부적
      기한 없음
      리마 모험가조합
      I have a request frm a religious scholar about sacrificial ceremonies. This should be an easy job for you from all your experience. The subject of this request is to investigate about ceremonial adornments. First of all, go talk to the town official.

            1. 리마 - Talk to City Official x2
            2. 툼베스 - Talk to City Official
            3. 리마 북쪽 - Near the stacked boulders, Observe and Search.

            Pre-Quest Required:
            공물의 조각 2 4 2 코노파

            1. Those used in the ceremony
            The ornament used during the ceremony? Well, there are a lot of those. The sacrificial knife, the mask, the necklace... It looks like they often used things with ward stones, used to keep evil spirits away, embedded in them.

            2. Protection from evil
            Recently, when an epidemic had broken out up north, ceremonial necklaces were given to the sick to act as a ward agains evil spirits.. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to save some of them... You should go investigate this at the source. Try visiting Tumbes.

            3. Protection lost
            King Wyna Capak became sick and died here. It's a sure bet that he was wearing a protective Turkish ward stone necklace at the time... But apparently it was never found, even after having soldiers search for it. Where could it have gotten to?

            4. Necklace of a former king
            The necklace used during the ceremony server as a charm. The one that King Wyna Capak was wearing when he died in Tumbes is currently lost to this day. It's possible that it was lost as his body was transported back to Cusco. I should go search around the North Lima Stacked Boulders.

            금과 터키석의 팬던트

            의뢰 알선서

              • 발견물
              • 금과 터키석의 팬던트 ★★★★★★ (보물) 경험치:1100 명성:420
                금과 터키석을 사용하여 간소하게 만든 팬던트. 터키석은 신성한 것으로 여겼기 때문에 이 팬던트도 의식용으로 만들어진 것인 것 같다.

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