大航海時代 DB

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      거대한 개미
      기한 없음
      리마 모험가조합
      You did driver ant research before right? I read your report, on this continent it seems that there is a huge ant of which even driver ants are afraid. I want you to research those giant ants, how about? Speak to the renowned Explorer who gave you the investigation.

                    리마 1. Talk toFamous Explorer
                    툼베스 2. Talk to Tavern Seafarer
                    남미 북서해안 3. Biology Search near red flower

                    Nothing stands in the way
                    If that's them, then I think you'll find them in the lands between here and Panama. But it has a very strong poison, so be careful. If you get bitten, you will undoubtedly fall into a coma for a number of days. Because of that giant body and poison, the rumour is that no insect can stand up to them.

                    Candidate for king of the insect world
                    I got information that the ants that I'm looking for are in the flower fields between Tubmes and Panama.
                    It's very ferocious ant and it has a very strong poison, so I'll have to pay very close attention in my investigation.

                    Investigation of giant ants
                    I got information that the ants that I'm looking for are in the flowers fields between Tubmes and Panama.
                    It's very ferocious ant and it has a very strong poison, so I'll have to pay very close attention in my investigation.

                    Discovery Reward :
                    830 Adventure exp

                    Card Reward :
                    415 Adventure exp

                    Quest Reporting Reward :
                    140 Adventure exp , 70 Adventure fame

                      • 발견물
                      • 총알개미 ★★★★★ (곤충) 경험치:830 명성:345
                        체장이 3cm나 되는 개미. 집단 생활을 하지만 몸집이 크기 때문에 단독으로 행동한다. 강력한 독을 지니고 있으며 찔리면 죽음에 이르는 경우도 있다.
                        단체로서는 곤충 중에서 최강으로 여겨진다.

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                        거대한 개미 99997014

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