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      공물의 조각
      기한 없음
      리마 모험가조합
      I have a request from a Scholar studying the religion of this area. Europeans offer prayers to statues of their gods, right? The same custom is apparently practiced in this region as well, and the Scholar would like you to find out about it. Could you ask around at the bar at Lambayeque?

            1. 람바예케 - Talk to Barkeep x2
            2. 남미 북서해안 - Landing point South of Panama, Observe and Search.

            Unlocked quest:
            연면한 문화 7 9 7 채색의 목제 마스크
            의식과 부적 10 12 10 금과 터키석의 팬던트

            1. What is that statue?
            ...Mm? You wondering about this statue? This statue isn't exactly like those god statues, but it does look a lot like them it may look like an ear of corn, but a long time ago it supposedly resembled a llama or alpaca.

            2. Details of the statue
            Apparently, it represents a llama or alpaca that was offered up as a sacrifice, and even includes a part of the sacrifice inside the statue itself. It's actually not so uncommon around there. Try going further north of Tumbes.

            3. Statue used in the ceremony
            In this region, there are very old statues made of the sacrifices that were offered up to the old gods. Let's try heading up to the disembarkation point north of Tumbes and look for one of them near the boulder.


            의뢰 알선서

              • 발견물
              • 코노파 ★★ (종교유물) 경험치:230 명성:113
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