大航海時代 DB

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      또 하나의 연노
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      You're that voyager who did the investigation on that Taiwanese weapon for the gatekeeper in Brunei. There's a scholar in Brunei who has a similar weapon in his possession. A certain weaponsmith wants you yo investigate. This investigation might touch on the Three Kingdoms history of the continent, so you're the best bloke for the job.

                    Pre Quest
                    문득 떠오른 말 11 13 11 제갈궁노
                    읽을 수 없는 편지 8 10 1 관제시죽

                    전국옥새 1

                    1. Gatekeeper - Brunei
                    2. Scholar - Hangzhou 2 times
                    4. Woman near City Official - Hangzhou
                    5. Large Boulder - Southeast Chongqing 5 times (req Chinese language)
                    10. Observe and Search near Large Boulder - Southeast Chongqing

                    Adventurer and Scholar
                    That scholar was with and adventurer. I've seen that adventurer's face a number of times, but that was the first time I saw the scholar's. I noticed he had what looked like a Zhuge Liang Crossbow, so I asked him about it. He said it was a replica of a bow made by an old military strategist. It apparently had nothing to do with Koxinga. Maybe you could talk to the scholar in Hangzhou.

                    Ancient Repeating Bow without Design
                    Maybe it was the repeating bow invented by Zhuge Liang of Shu? The Zhuge Liang crossbow was a modification of an earlier repeating bow. The two are slightly different. It sounds like the scholar's bow was a replica--I doubt he was able to excavate an original. But I've never heard of any design drawings that were found...

                    Retired Authority of the Three Kingdoms
                    It would take someone with the inventiveness and thorough knowledge of the three kingdoms needed to recreate an ancient bow without design drawings. I have an idea who that could be. But that individual is no longer involved in research. His wife is currently staying here in town. Maybe she could tell you something?

                    A Normal Person to his Wife
                    If you'd like to see the bow for yourself, you can search for it around the large boulder on the outskirts of Chongqing. I think there was a blueprint for the bow, but it's still not something any craftsman can make. That scholar exaggerated though. The maker of the bow was just someone who really likes three kingdom history.

                    Autumn--Announcement of Pregnancy
                    In the locked box there appears to be some memo. "My wife read my research results on the repeating bow again today. The wind is cold. The winter season is upon us. I pray the child in her belly will no be affected. My father-in-law talked to me again... I still cannot tell my wife about it."

                    Midsummer--Last Month of Pregnancy
                    "My father-in-law told my wife directly about the disownment. My wife is stoutheartedly watching over the progress of my research. As her husband I should be the one watching over her, and providing her ease. Her stomach is beginning to protrude. Soon I will be father, and soon I must leave old dreams behind..."

                    Early Spring--Daughter's First Steps
                    "My wife recreated the bow invented by Zhuge Liang. It is truly magnificent. It is as if she is Zhuge Liang's wife, Huang Yueying. If she is Huang Yueying, I must become like Zhuge Liang. In order to provide a secure and full life for my newborn daughter, I must give up my vain dreams, and hunt with this bow to provide for my family."

                    Late Winter--Daughter Learns Words
                    "My wife, who was once infatuated with the Three Kingdoms, has now completely lost interest. Such is her concern for my inability to give up my research. But my father-in-law has decided to continue relations and provide support for my studies. I assume he was motivated by a desire to live with his grandchild. Today was not a good hunt. My heart wavers."

                    Early Fall--Daughter's 5th Birthday
                    "My reputation as a scholar is increasing. This is not due to my own efforts. It is all due to my wife's recreation of the repeating bow and my father-in-law's money. Do I want to take credit for my wife's work? Of course, no, I do not... My only regret is the case of the imperial seal and my unfulfilled promise to my wife."

                    The Turbulent Quest, or The Peaceful Life
                    The bow can be found near the large boulder on the outskirts of Chongqing. The scholar who appeared in Brunei with a bow similar to the Zhuge Liang Crossbow was likely this wife's husband. Why did a man who had appeared to give up his research leave his family and begin travelling again? There are many questions, but first complete your investigation on the bow.

                      • 발견물
                      • 원융 ★★★★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:1160 명성:443
                        「원융」. 연노라고 불리는 활을 개량하여 만든 것으로,복수의 화살을 연달아 발사할 수 있게 되어 있다.
                        삼국시대의 촉의 군략가인 제갈량이,위에 대항하기 위해 발명했다고 한다.

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