大航海時代 DB

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      유적에 울려 퍼지는 돌 소리
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      The Request is from a Scholar researching the Pohnpei Island ruins. After landing on the island the other day for research, he could hear some kind of crushing sound. The report said it was uninhabited, so he wonders what it could be... The Scholar says he'll feel safer if he knows the source of the sound. About that island means... that person.

                      돌을 쌓아 만든 도시 8 10 1 난마돌 유적

                      1: - speak to rest house master 3 times
                      2. 폰페이 섬 남쪽 해안 - sail to : search for giant dead tree ,entrance to
                      폰페이 섬 안쪽
                      3. 폰페이 섬 안쪽 - check on large boulder to get information
                      4. 폰페이 섬 안쪽 - use 관찰 and 탐색

                      Unlock(1 of 2 pre-quest)
                      섬의 의식 8 10 1 난투와스

                      1. Identity of the sound
                      This is not an uninhabited island? Even though you've been there many times, you haven't seen them? Haha, you might be under watch. Well, if it's that sound, you don't have anything to worry about. That's the sound of them making the alcohol for ceremonial usage. That's a very important thing for the people of that island.

                      2. No alcohol
                      On top of the base, the root of a certain tree is beaten with a round stone. Upon doing this, a liquid comes out and this becomes the drink. There shouldn't be any alcohol, but when you drink it you feel a strange sensation. You become calm and your whole body relaxes.

                      3. Ceremonial wine
                      It is used in ceremonies to gain a mutual understanding with God and also passed around and drunk with friends. It's also used in welcoming visitors... Anyway, it is definitely not the sound of some danger. It is often created by the big boulder on the island, so how about going to see it?

                      4. Wine, in production
                      ..suddenly you heard a "sound"--the sound of rock striking rock. They might be in the middle of making the drink for ceremonial usage in this very moment. If you hurry you might make it in time. They suprisingly sound not too far off. But the sound has abruptly stopped. They must certainly be on guard.

                      5.Until the day we meet again
                      The "sound of something being beaten and mashed" was the sound of a tree root being mashed, the sound of preparing a drink for ceremonial usage. But, they appear to be on alert, so I can't see the ceremony or even the inhabitants of the island. Search around the area and hope that you will be able to eventually pass around the drink with them.

                      Discovery Reward :
                      490 Adventure exp

                      Card Reward :
                      샤카오를 찧는 테이블 245 Adventure exp

                      Reporting Reward :
                      의뢰 알선서 150 Adventure exp , 75 Adventure fame

                        • 발견물
                        • 샤카오를 찧는 테이블 ★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:490 명성:220
                          샤카오란,나무 뿌리를 찧어 만든 음료이다.
                          사람들은 이곳에서 샤카오를 제조하여 의식에 임하였을 것이다.

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                          3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.