大航海時代 DB

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      아득한 하와이키
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      There's a request from a city official of Amboyna for reinvestigation regarding Hawaiiki. The client really wants you to take the job. How about it? If you'll do it, go to Amboyna right away an find out about it. This time please find Hawaiki.

                            1. 암보이나 - Talk to City Official x2
                            2. 히바오아 - Talk to Young Man x7
                            3. 중앙 태평양 해저분지 - Use 관찰 and 인식 just outside Hiva Oa

                            Prequests(do both):
                            태양이 잠드는 저편에 10 12 아후아키비의 모아이
                            전설의 입증 9 11 9 하우마카의 지팡이

                            Hey,you took the request,huh?I was thinking that it had to be you for this investigation.When I was going over your report again,there was something that caught my attention--the difficult ocean route from Wanganui to the northeast and the seven statues on Rano Raraku looking out to the northwest.Don't you think that there's somewhere where these two cross?

                            I'm thinking that the place where those two lines intersect will lead us to Hawaiki.If you head out further northeast from Tahiti,it will be an ocean crossing more difficult than any you've undertaken before.But I have faith in such an intrepid adventurer as yourself can find it for me.Please take care of this for me.

                            Yes,this land was once called Hiva.And Hawaiki is the general term for this archipelago.The people who live on this island are descendants of the people who did not flee when the natural disaster visited this island.Why did they stay?

                            A long time ago when a natural disaster occurred on this island the environment became very difficult to live in,so it was suggested that the people immigrate to the "Island of Dreams". Thus,the people of this island and the archipelago became scattered far and wide.

                            The immigration occurred a number of times.And last in line to immigrate was our ancestors but they suddenly suggested staying on the island.You understand what it's like not wanting to leave your hometown where you are used to living.

                            Due to the natural disaster,the majority of the archipelago had become uninhabitable.Sobbing,the people left and immigrated to other lands.However,they swore one thing.They would one day return to these lands.Much time and generations may pass,these bodies might turn to dust,but they would return to these lands.

                            Keeping true to the promise,if someday someone came back to the islands and there was no one there,they would be sad,right?When the people who became scattered across the lands came back once again,our ancestors decided that they would be there to greet them and say "Welcome home" .Of course we carry on in that role.

                            The scars from the natural disaster of the old legends healed,and the land is whole once more.I want our friends who scattered across the lands to come back home.I want you to give a greeting to all of those people scattered across the lands.

                            Welcome home!

                            I established that the city of Hiva Oa is the land which was once called Hiva.The same archipelago is the homelands called Hawiki.I'll depart from this town,look out over the archipelago from the ocean and then end my investigation of the lands of Hawaiki.

                              • 발견물
                              • 마르키즈 제도 ★★★★★★ (지리) 경험치:1070 명성:410
                                타히치 섬에서 약 1500km 북동쪽 해역에 위치하는 남태평양의 제도.
                                원주민의 언어로 제도의 이름을 테 헤누아 에나나라고 한다.

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                                아득한 하와이키 99996959

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