大航海時代 DB

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      사오정의 원형
      기한 없음
      자카르타 모험가조합
      You're the adventurer who found "Journey to the West", aye? There is a request addressed to you from the guild in Hangzhou. He wants you to look for the creature that was the basis for the Sha Wujing character in that character. The requester is a young man in Hangzhou. Head there to hear the details.

                Pre Quest
                다시금 현장의 발자취를 찾아서 6 8 1 서유기
                항주 부근의 지리 조사 6 8 1 장강

                1. Young Man - Quanzhou
                2. Resident - Hangzhou
                3. Observe and Ecological research at Yangtze River (5450,3460)

                Sha Wujing at the Yangtze?
                I told you before about Xuanxang's companions, right? Well one of them, Sha Wujing was apparently banished to live in the "Quicksand River"---. So maybe the creature he was based lives in a river? There is no river bigger than the Yangtze around here. Maybe you can gather information at Hangzhou downstream.

                Potential Alligator Ancestor
                I see. There's a demon in Journey to the West that lives in a river. If it's an animal that looks like it would attack humans you're after, there are alligators. It looks like a dragon, but it is rather tame. It maybe tears up fields as it eats clams, but otherwise it's harmless. Hopefully that alligator will mend its ways like Sha Wujing.

                Alligator Investigation at the Yangtze
                An alligator that lives in the Yangtze has been suggested as a possible model for the character Sha Wujing from "Journey to the West". The creature can be confirmed at downstream from the Yangtze. Unlike its appearance, it is tame in temperament, and you are unlikely to be attacked. But perform your investigation carefully just to be safe.

                  • 발견물
                  • 양쯔강악어 ★★★ (해양생물) 경험치:460 명성:205
                    장강 하류에 서식하는,체장 약 150cm의 악어. 강이나 습지 등 인간의 생활 환경과 밀접한 곳에 살지만,성격이 온순해서 사람을 공격하는 일은 거의 없다.

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                    사오정의 원형 99996893

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