大航海時代 DB

세계현황 구역
-도시 -길드개척도시
-입항허가 -정기선
-개인농장 -유적던전

레시피 교역품
-상급연금술 -피렌체

선박 자유조선
-조선소재 -선박부품

퀘스트 -침몰선
-발견물 -장식품 -지도

스킬 대학 -특별스킬
-언어 -채집 -조달

직업 부관 장비품


임시 대피소에도 학문에 힘쓰는 소녀 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      학문에 힘쓰는 소녀
      기한 없음
      한양 모험가조합
      This is a request from a girl living in Chongqing.
      She's looking for a book that is easy-to-read and accurate that is written about the Three Kingdoms period and the events thereafter. I bet a geography scholar should know about those things. Go ask about it in Hangzhou.

                  1) Hangzhou - scholar
                  2) Yuntaisha - studious youth
                  3) search near Tavern

                  전국옥새 1
                  공부에 필요한 의뢰 2 4 2 한서

                  Scholar's Recommended Book
                  I see. Given that, I have a historical ducument I suggest you read.
                  It records the happings in an orderly manner, and covers from the begining of the Summer and Fall period all the way to around the Song period. I can lone it to you, but it is currently being used by a young man at Yuntaishan.

                  Highly-supported Book
                  It was a very easy-to-read book that also received high praise from the emperors who would come after. It seemed the compiler, Sima Guang only selected the most useful material from a vast amount of documents. I try to emulate him myself. But the book... is lost somewhere here in town... Please find it and return it to the scholar!

                  Whereabouts of Book
                  You have learned of a well-regarded and easy-to-read book that compiles the events since the Three Kingdoms Period and that matches the requester's demands, but it seems the book was for some reason lost in Yuntaishan somewhere.
                  You have no choice but to find it using the Search skill and deliver it to the Guild.

                    • 발견물
                    • 자치통감 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:310 명성:155
                      「자치통감」. 춘추시대에서 송대까지를 기록한 역사서.
                      「사기」와「한서」와는 다른 문체로 적혀 있어,읽기 쉬운 점에 중점을 둔 것으로 추정된다.

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                      학문에 힘쓰는 소녀 99996799

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                      1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
                      2. 화면에 보이는 대부분의 링크들은 작동하지 않습니다.
                      3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.