大航海時代 DB

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선박 자유조선
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퀘스트 -침몰선
-발견물 -장식품 -지도

스킬 대학 -특별스킬
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직업 부관 장비품


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      철의 나라의 역사
      기한 없음
      한양 모험가조합
      Thanks to your investigations, we are rapidly discovering many things about Gaya. The scholar who made the request is greatly pleased. We've got a follow up request for a history investigation from the same scholar. He wants to know more about Gaya's past. You'd probably be best off talking to the scholar in Hanyang

                1. 한양 한양 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                2. 한양 한양 서고 - Browse 고고학 ( 조선어 required)

                3. 포항 서쪽 - Use 관찰 and 탐색 in the southeast corner near the pointed boulder.

                가야의 기록 1 3 1 고대 덩이쇠

                Pottery Discovery Report
                So you're doing a follow-up investigation on Gaya? I see, you want to know more Gaya before iron-making techniques were developed. It seems some strangely shaped pottery was discovered near the area where you found the iron. There is a report on the archaeology bookshelf.

                Irregularly-shaped Pottery
                ...Gayan pottery has very unique shapes. The pottery is made to look like people, houses, and animals. The pottery was not used only as vessels, but they were also buried with the dead during funerals. These pots must have had important spiritual meaning...

                Searching for pottery
                The country of iron, Gaya, also seemed to create pottery. Search carefully around the outskirts of Pohang where many Gaya relics have been found.

                  • 발견물
                  • 압형토기 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:370 명성:185
                    동물을 본떠 만든 토기. 고대 조선의 변한시대의 것으로 여겨진다.
                    오리나 말 같은 동물을 비롯하여 집이나 선박을 본떠 만든 것까지,매우 종류가 다양하다. 주로 죽은 사람의 부장품에 사용할 목적으로 제작되었다고 한다.

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                    철의 나라의 역사 99996770

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