大航海時代 DB

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-발견물 -장식품 -지도

스킬 대학 -특별스킬
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직업 부관 장비품


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      군인과정 교직 개론
      기한 없음
      제노바 해양조합
      New instructors are being recruited and they're specifically looking for Maritime Course graduates of the Maritime Academey. You meet the requirements so if you think you'd like to become a maritime instructor you need to talk to the maritime instructors at each school and write a theis about the thing you learn about from them in regards to maritime affairs. When you're finished turn it in to the maritime instructor in Seville. If you pass you'll receive your instructor's license

                    Graduated from maritime school
                    모험과정 교직 개론 5 5 1

                    1. 베네치아 [School maritime instructor]
                    1. 마르세이유 [School maritime instructor]
                    1. 리스본 [School maritime instructor]
                    1. 런던 [School maritime instructor]
                    1. 암스테르담 [School maritime instructor]
                    6. 세비야 [School maritime instructor]

                    The Venice teacher's instruction
                    The firing zone is highlighted during battle. Take note of the difference in shading within this zone. If you fire at an enemy ship when it is in the darker shaded part of the zone, you will inflict the greatest damage.
                    Also note the range of the darker shaded section changes according to the cannon type used.

                    The Marseilles teacher's instruction
                    It is best to take the windward side in battle. The power of enemy guns is diminished when they are on the leeward side. Conversely, The wind will reduce your firepower if the enemy is on the windward side and you will easily sustain damage. As you get used to battle, be aware of wind direction.

                    The Lisbon teacher's instruction
                    The enemy is in disarray during Melee Battle. Your Attack and Defence Power are doubled and your opponent's are halved. It is
                    an advantage to cannon fire on your enemy and reduce them to chaos. This is better achieved with expensive high speed ammunition. Take care this does not happen to you.

                    The London teacher's instruction
                    Among the factors affecting Attack Power in Melee Battle, besides weapons and armour, are special naval troops, battle level, fencing rank, sailors training level and skill rank in First Aid. Composite measures must be taken in sailors and equipment for this to be a main form of engagement.

                    The Amsterdam teacher's instruction
                    Retreat from Melee Battle will result in severe injuries to defeated sailors. if retreat is unavoidable, then best select [Bell of withdrawal]. Your casting skill can still be used for production. Find a Pedlar in a city to handle this. Carrying an amulet is recommended even if shelling is the main form of engagement.

                    Paper writing
                    Information for Maritime affairs has been given to you by respective Instructors. Think of your own way to compile this in an essay and submit it to the Seville Maritime Course Instructor.

                    Genoa Maritime guild
                    turn in the completed quest at the Mediator

                    maritime exp: 120
                    maritime fame: 75

                        댓글 안보기

                        2014-02-16 20:56
                        마르세유 교관 ㅋ
                        바람의 방향을 보고 포를 쏘래.

                        2014-02-16 21:02
                        ㅇㅇ 이건 실험으로 검증된 사실임
                        타겟을 바라봤을때

                        역풍일때 보다 순풍일때 포데미지가 더쎔

                        2014-02-16 21:17
                        바람 따지면서 쏘는 사람 있음? 게이지 차면 쏘고 보는거지. 아님 각이 나오거나

                        군인과정 교직 개론 99996492

                        군인과정 교직 개론 정보가 백업되어 있는 임시 대피소로 오세요!

                        임시 대피소에서는
                        1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
                        2. 화면에 보이는 대부분의 링크들은 작동하지 않습니다.
                        3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.