大航海時代 DB

세계현황 구역
-도시 -길드개척도시
-입항허가 -정기선
-개인농장 -유적던전

레시피 교역품
-상급연금술 -피렌체

선박 자유조선
-조선소재 -선박부품

퀘스트 -침몰선
-발견물 -장식품 -지도

스킬 대학 -특별스킬
-언어 -채집 -조달

직업 부관 장비품


임시 대피소에도 진출 거점의 토벌 작전 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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                진출 거점의 토벌 작전
                기한 없음
                리우데자네이루 칙명
                We're planning to build a base
                on the southwest coast of South
                America to aid in our forays
                along the New World's west
                coast. However, we've heard that
                pirates appear frequently in the
                area. You are ordered to deal
                with said pirates.

                      리우데자네이루 Maritime Mediator

                      Chonos Pirates
                      The pirates who started showing up locally are Chonos piraes.
                      It's said that many of their ships are heavy galleons. They seem to
                      frequent a landing point on the west coast of the New World. Head
                      there promptly. Defeat them.
                      The objective this time is to sink 12 ships. Do your best.

                      Cleanup mission against the Chonos pirates
                      The objective this time is to sink
                      12 Chonos pirate ships near a
                      landing point on the southwest
                      coast of South America.
                      The objective is far from a supply
                      port so lay in provisions for a
                      long battle and head out to
                      defeat them.

                      Chonos Pirates 0 / 12

                        • 스킬

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                          진출 거점의 토벌 작전 99996207

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