大航海時代 DB

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직업 부관 장비품


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      와인 부족
      기한 10일
      리스본 상인조합
      An urgent request for 20 barrels of wine has come in from Malaga.They need to be collected and delivered to a craftsman there within then days.
      20 barrels within ten days is a tall order, but i know you can do it. Seville and Porto are famous for producing wine nearby.

            1. 세비야 : Market Keeper , buy 20 x 와인.
            2. 말라가 : Craftsman , delivered the wine.
            3. 리스본 : Merchant Mediator , report back.

            It is just the time for stocking up on wine vinegar and all the vineyards are late with deliveries. It's a major porblem.
            You did well to deliver on such a tough request. I will seek you out again when I am next in need.

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                와인 부족 99995945