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      북유럽의 빵
      기한 없음
      나폴리 상인조합
      We got a request from the shipyard here to do some cooking research. Sinche you're knowledgeable in that area, I'd like you to do it. Speak with them directly to get the details.

                  1. Naples Shipyard Master
                  2. Naples Shipwright
                  3. Bergen Barkeep
                  4. Bergen Market Keeper
                  5. Naples Shipwright
                  6. Naples Shipwright

                  1. A flavour from Northern Europe

                  Thank you for coming. My request is this. I would like you to help me stock up on rye bread, which the sailors from the north brought and which is very popular among the shipwrights. Umm... How much should I ask him to bring?

                  2. 30 boxes

                  I think 30 boxes worth will be plenty, boss. While he's at it, why not have him find out if we cannot copy that bread here? Those sailors said they came here via Bergen; maybe they eat it a lot over there?

                  3. Rye bread

                  Around here, we eat rye bread all the time. Rye needs to be grown in a slightly cooler climate, after all, so we just bake the rye together with the flour. But, this unique scent absolutely requires rye. I'm sorry for the people of Naples, but the only way you're going to get that scent is by using real rye.

                  4. The market keeper's story

                  Rye bread? Oh yes, it's true that rye does mainly grow in cold areas, like the Baltic sea. It would be very difficult for a warm climate like Italy to duplicate it. And rye bread isn't stocked in markets. You'll need to get some rye and bake it yourself.

                  (after having baked the 30 rye bread)

                  5. Delivery of rye bread

                  Yes, this is it. 30 boxes, counted and accounted. So, how about it? Does it look like we can replicate that taste here?

                  6. Rye bread

                  Oh, I see... So it's harder to copy then it looks then.
                  I guess I'll just have to make do with what I've got for now. Thanks for looking into this for me.

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                      북유럽의 빵 99995828

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