大航海時代 DB

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      기한 없음
      베네치아 상인조합
      The local sailmaker needs some rawhide delivered to him. He's going to use them to make an Extra Sprit so he said he wanted someone with a fair knowledge of sewing. Sounds like the perfect job for you doesn't it? Get 60 crates of rawhide and deliver them to him as soon as you can.

                          1. 베네치아 Talk to Sailmaker - Leather cord delivery 가죽끈 60 봉제 7
                          2. 베네치아 Talk to Shipyard Master
                          3. 베네치아 Talk to Sailmaker
                          4. 아테네 - 기사단장 집무실 Talk to L'Isle-Adam
                          5. 아테네 - 기사단장 집무실 Bastard sword delivery 바스타드소드

                          Leather cord delivery
                          So this is the requested leather cord. Let me see it. My you have a good eye for this. You seem capable of sewing. Let me see you in action. Your skill is fine, perhaps too good for a Voyager.

                          My you are a skilled craftsman. You can work here if you like. Well, have a think about it. You say the sail was ordered by L'Isle-Adam, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller? Seems he was looking for someone. Did you hear anything when request for the sail was made?

                          Best person to be Grand Maitre de l'Ordre
                          I think he was in search of a skilled blacksmith to renew his arsenal. But that is not in my field. Well if you think you can put your hand to blacksmithing, pay a visit to Grand Master L'Isle-Adam in Athens.

                          Fresh request
                          I've had word from the sailmaker. That you have come here, means that you have some experience as a blacksmith, right? Sorry for the urgency, but I require a long sword. It broke in a battle the other day, quite embarrassing! To break a sword is...means deeat!

                          Bastard sword delivery
                          It is a great help to make a request without going through the Guild. I will send the Guild notice of this affair plus remunerations. A certificate of merit has been drawn for your services on this occasion. It acknowledges your promptness and capability in handling this urgent request. I guarantee your skills.

                          Trade Experience: 32
                          Trade fame: 40

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