大航海時代 DB

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      스승과 제자의 그림
      기한 없음
      마르세이유 모험가조합
      The investigation is regarding the painting by Da Vinci, who lives in this city.
      It seems that there is a painting which Da Vinci created in collaboration with someone long ago. This research is in regards to that. For starters speak to the Scholars.

                  1. 마르세이유 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                  2. 마르세이유저택 - Talk to Da Vinci (X2)
                  3. 마르세이유 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                  4. 제노바 교회 - Use: 관찰 탐색

                  1. Where Da Vinci once worked
                  A collaboration between da Vinci and someone else? It's true: when da Vinci was in Florence, he was supposedly an apprentice at Andrea del Verrocchio's studio... He must have done at least one collaboration with Verrocchio at the time.

                  2. How are you?
                  My collaboration with Mr Verrocchio? That questions brings up a lot of memories. Very well, I'm in a good mood.

                  3. Memories of my master
                  I just painted the background and the angel on the left. It seemed like Mr Verrocchio liked it. He said "I leave the painting up to you. Now I can focus on my sculpting" and laughed. Where is the painting now? Well, it's not my picture, it's Mr Verrocchio's. You'll have to find it yourself.

                  4. Location of the painting
                  Focus on sculpting, eh... It's true that ever since that time, Verrocchio never again took up a brush. He may have laughed it off in front of da Vinci, but I bet he was serious when he said that... Verrocchio's last painting is being kept in the Genoa church.

                  5. Search for the painting
                  The painting that da Vinci collaborated on with his master is being kept at the Genoa church. Let's investigate the right wall at the back of the church.


                  Discovery Reward:
                  100 (50) Adventure Exp

                  Card Reward:
                  그리스도의 세례

                  Report Quest Reward:
                  130 Adventure Exp, 65 Adventure Fame
                  의뢰 알선서

                    • 발견물
                    • 그리스도의 세례 ★ (미술품) 경험치:100 명성:50
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