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      The way to pass on proverbs and old sayings is still writing. Apparently there is a painting which expresses that just in a picture. It seems that it's a painting with a lot of impact, its causing quite a stir in taverns in Amsterdam. Why don't you check it out from the barkeep?

                        암스테르담 주점 1. Talk to Barkeep (requires 네덜란드어)
                        암스테르담 주점 2. Talk to Johanna
                        암스테르담 주점 3. Talk to Seafarer ( Next to the door)
                        암스테르담 서고 4. Talk to Scholar
                        암스테르담 교회 5. Church (requires 탐색)

                        1. The barkeep's perspective

                        Oh yes, I was just talking about that painting. That's the one where a woman is putting an overcoat on her husband. The coat also represents the invisible reality, so the woman is actually trying to deceive her husband. Huh? You say that's not true, Johanna?

                        2. Johanna's persective

                        I think it's a painting of a man trying to fill a hole. Just like how they say it's too late to fill in the hole after a calf drowns. That applies to you too, you know. You can't prepare for something after it's already happened. That's why when you go out to sea, you need to be ready for anything. Hey! Seafarer! Stop spilling your drink!

                        3. The sailor's perspective

                        Oh man, my drink... This is just like that painting of the man who spilt his porridge. Once spilt, neither porridge nor liquor can be restored... That's something no scholar, no matter how smart, can fix.

                        4. Details of the painting

                        This is a painting of many different sayings and proverbs... This is definitely one of Bruegel's oil paintings. And just like everything the people at the bad said, there are over 90 different other sayings that fit into this single piece. I believe the painting was donated to the city's church. Why not go take a look at it?

                        5. Each person sees things differently

                        Apparently there are over 90 different sayings and proverbs expressed in a single painting. There aren't many paintings out there that can be so different to so many people. The painting is being kept in the church and search the right wall.

                        의뢰 알선서

                        Adventure Find Exp:13
                        Adventure Card Exp:55

                        Adventure Exp:130
                        Adventure Fame:65

                          • 발견물
                          • 네덜란드의 속담 ★ (미술품) 경험치:110 명성:53
                            피테르 브뢰겔(부친)의 작품. 네덜란드에 전해오는 90종류 이상의 속담을 묘사하고 있다. 예를 들면, 우측 하단에 죽을 쏟은 남자가 있는데, 이것은「쏟아버린 죽은 그릇에 담을 수 없다」 즉, 돌이킬 수 없는 일을 의미하는 속담이다.

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