大航海時代 DB

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      단 하나의 부탁
      기한 없음
      산토도밍고 모험가조합
      Thanks for taking care of that memory searching case. We have a message from the daughter of Santiago saying that she has one more request for you, so please come once more. I don't think it was a very happy ending, but she seems to be satisfied. Think positively.

                Buy 2 Bougainvillea in the Santo Domingo item shop and two Sewing sets from the craft shop

                1. 산티아고 Talk to the Maiden x3
                4. 히혼 To the Elegant Girl give a
                부겐빌레아 (it must be red, you can change the colour with a sewing set)
                5. 히혼 Talk to the Sullen Boy x1
                6. 히혼 Talk to the City Manor Owner ×2
                8. 암스테르담 교회 Talk with the Vicar ×2 and the first time you give a
                부겐빌레아 again in red colour, 봉제 12 required

                Pre-Quest needed(do both)
                교착되는 운명 1
                왕의 길로… 12 14 12 엘 카미노 레알

                1. Relieved face
                Good Afternoon! Thank you for the last time! Yeah, I'm all right now. I've decided to walk my own path in life. Really, a constrictive place like a castle is not for me. I love nothing more than to dance barefoot under the sun. So this is heaven!

                2. Flamenco and Caribbean dance
                I love flamenco, but I've decided to live on this island as Yashi. As a result, I've decided to dance the dance of this island! On this island, the men and women pair up, and surrounded by fire many villagers dance. The usage of hips for the dance of this island is trickey. I wonder if it can't be fused with flamenco!

                3. Deliver goodbyes
                Ahh, I was just about to forget. I was going to ask of you one last thing and that's why I called you...I want you to put Bougainvillea on my daughter and Lescator's grave. This is the one thing I can do for my daughter and him...Say a farewell.

                4. Goobye, and thanks
                Thank you...

                5. Truly, yes.
                Ahh, she's really breaking down. She's got two fathers and mothers and says it's a wonderful thing. Even though she can't meet them, they're in her heart. Someday I want to be the type of person who will remain in someone's heart. In her heart as well, of course. Because I'm her Roland.

                6. Father's vow
                Thank you for your help with that matter. Even though she's young, she was able to understand the facts and seems to have come to terms with them. It may not be possible for her to be able to meet her real parents so I will provide her with the love of four people. If it will get through to Lescator, who took care of her mother, then I will become him.

                7. Make friends in heaven...
                Where is Lescator's grave? It was made next to his sister's grave by an orphanage in Amsterdam. The other day my daughter went and visited the grave. The church is managing the orphanage, so you should say hello to the priest.

                8. The girl's declaration
                Yes, we took care of it. Let us go make an offering at his grave. The other day a well-built man and a refined young lady came with an offering of Lilacs, and they donated a lot of money to the orphanage. The young lady said that some day she wants to be useful to this town.

                9. Michaela and L'Escart's figures...
                The young lady is his relative it seems. Even though she's still small, she's elegant. As thanks, I gave a certain recipe. The young lady and her mother danced flamenco so it had the sewing directions for a flamenco dress and a bullfighting costume. I will give you the sewing technique of this town.

                10. Curtains
                The young lady from Santiago decided to live as Santiago. She may once again become legendary as a prodigal dancer in the Caribbean as well. Also the matter of the father and child in Gijon seems to have been resolved as well. I'm glad they were able to restore their bonds. With this matter, a young boy and a young girl were able to mature and something great may come of this.


                축제의상 봉제법
                Adventure Experience 120, Fame 120

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