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      새와 태양의 구슬
      기한 없음
      캘리컷 모험가조합
      Do you know anything about glass beads? They are glass balls witha hole through the middle for string or rope to be passed through. They were made since times of old in places such as India and Mesopotamia, but apparently there are some wonderful glass beads on Java as well... A tradesperson who heard about this wants to know more. Go to Jakarta to gather information

                1. 자카르타 - Talk to Market Keeper
                2. 자카르타 - Talk to City Official
                3. 수라바야 - Talk to City Official ×2
                5. 수라바야 - Talk to Barkeep
                6. 지아딘 북서쪽 - Gia Dihn Outskirts 관찰 탐색

                1. Glass beads of Java
                To make Javanese Eye-beads, it takes a high level of technique that can be prudly shown to the rest of the world. But if it's something truly exceptional, you might be referring to the Eye-beads they made in the old days. I don't know that kind of history myself, so ask a Town Official.

                2. Ancient history
                It seems that Javanese Eye-beads have been made for around 500 years. So-called Java Beads are highly valued for the mosaics which look to be attached to their surface. Their many colours are very beautiful and no two of tem are alike. Come to think of it, a Town Official in Surabaya was saying that he saw a description of Java Beads in some old document.

                3. Literature
                Hmm... Here it is. "In praying for the health and happiness of your child who was born today, we would like to present these Java Beads with a bird and sun pattern so that, in the future, your young one will truly make their mark in the world."

                4. Record of the Java king that might be valuable
                This must be a record of Java Beads being offered after the birth of an heir to some aristocratic or powerful family. I have seen all kinds of Java Beads, but i have never come across one with a bird and sun pattern. I'm sure it would have great value if it was found.

                5. Story of around Gia Dinh
                I've heard of a king who ruled the area around Gia Dinh a long time ago who used a bird and sun pattern as his symbol. I don't know if that type of exchange occurred with Java, which would have been really far off, but it would certainly be worth looking into.

                6. Bird and sun
                There was a Javanese king who apparently used a bird and sun motif. The area around Gia Dinh was also ruled by Java a long time ago. So it would not be strange then if there were Javanese handicrafts there. You should search now in the outskirts of Gia Dinh.

                의뢰 알선서


                FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                발견시 경험치 720, 카드 경험치 180
                보고시 경험치 300, 명성 200, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득

                  • 발견물
                  • 마닉브룽 ★★★★★ (보물) 경험치:936 명성:360
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