大航海時代 DB

세계현황 구역
-도시 -길드개척도시
-입항허가 -정기선
-개인농장 -유적던전

레시피 교역품
-상급연금술 -피렌체

선박 자유조선
-조선소재 -선박부품

퀘스트 -침몰선
-발견물 -장식품 -지도

스킬 대학 -특별스킬
-언어 -채집 -조달

직업 부관 장비품


임시 대피소에도 동쪽 나라로 이어지는 좁은 길 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

  • 도시
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  • 납품
      동쪽 나라로 이어지는 좁은 길
      기한 없음
      캘리컷 모험가조합
      You have heard about the Spice Islands which lay in the sea far east of here, right? To head there going east, there is a sea straight that absolutely cannot be avoided. This request is to explore that straight. First go gather information at Aceh, on the island south-southeast of Calcutta

                          1. 아체 - Talk to Seafarer
                          2. 아체 - Talk to Shipwright
                          3. 말라카 - Talk to Seafarer
                          4. 말라카 - Talk to Merchant
                          5. 안다만 해 - East of Malacca near 4582,4681 use 관찰 and 인식

                          Narrow Path to the Eastern Islands
                          말라카 동쪽 대륙의 조사 3 5 1 칼리만탄 섬
                          제 각기의 곶에 4 6 1 셀레베스 섬
                          향료 제도의 공백지대 3 5 1 셀레베스 해

                          1. Countless reefs and shallows
                          It was a good idea to stop by in this town to the south-east sees many shipwrecks. It's no surprise, since the straits are full of rocks and reefs and even local sailors don't always make it through safely. Take your time to prepare in this town

                          2. Head to Malacca
                          You came all the way down here for esearch? Well, then you should visit the town of Malacca, on the peninsula to the north of the strait. Most ships that pass through the strait stop by at that town, so your research should go well there. Now let's talk business. Repairs, parts, tell me what you need.

                          3. Shallows the position of which are known
                          You came from Atjeh? Well good for you for not running aground. You must have already heard that the strait is full of shallows and reefs. Well, the shallows change position often, you see. Because the water flows so quickly in the strait, the sand gets moved around, changing the position of the shallows.

                          4. Region filled with pirates
                          Also, those parts see very heavy rain and winds frm time to time. It's strong that it can take away your sight. Most large ships have to slow down to pass the strait - which makes them ripe for pirate pickings. You should arm yourself well to get through that strait.

                          5. Narrow path to the east
                          The strait to the west of Malacca has reefs, shallows that change position, and pirates that target large ships. I should do a through investigation to identify the dangers.

                            • 발견물
                            • 말라카 해협 ★★ (지리) 경험치:320 명성:160
                              말레이 반도와 수마트라 섬사이에 존재하는 해협.동서교역의 중요한 통과점이다. 해협의 폭이 좁고 수심이 얕아 암초 지역이 많기 때문에 항해시에 세심한 주의가 필요하다.

                              댓글 안보기

                              2016-02-20 02:29
                              잠비와 말라카 중간에서 인식

                              동쪽 나라로 이어지는 좁은 길 99994696

                              동쪽 나라로 이어지는 좁은 길 정보가 백업되어 있는 임시 대피소로 오세요!

                              임시 대피소에서는
                              1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
                              2. 화면에 보이는 대부분의 링크들은 작동하지 않습니다.
                              3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.