大航海時代 DB

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      동서교역의 요충
      기한 없음
      캘리컷 모험가조합
      Have you been east of this town? There is a town called Pegu on the east shore of the Bay of Bengal. It is said that a huge peninsula lies south of there. I'd like you to explore that peninsula. The town of Malacca is on the south coast of the peninsula. You should be able to gather a lot of information there. Alright then, I'm counting on you!

                  1. 말라카 - Resident
                  2. 말라카 - Market Keeper
                  3. 말라카 - Boy
                  4. 말라카 - Barkeeper
                  5. 자바 해 - Outside Malacca 인식

                  They say long ago, this Peninsula was under the influence of the Srivijaya kingdom, which had its centre in the island to the south. Of course, both the southern island and where we are now is the home of the Malays. It was not so much a reign, but a loose unification. The market keeper should know more.

                  The Malays have traded from this peninsula since long before. This is a great gateway between the east and the west. However, a merchant would travel anywhere if the payoff is right. The islands to the east are home to the Malays as well!

                  Hey, listen, listen! I went to catch some insects in the forest, and suddenly the black and white anamal jumped out of the bushes! It looked like a boar, but it had no fangs...and it didn't have much fur...Tell me if you find it, okay? I want to catch it!

                  There are some interesting animals in the jungle, but do be careful when you go in. There are tigers there. Speak to the Orang Asli if you need a guide. They are people who live in the jungles, and know everything about the animals and plants.

                  The peninsula where the Malays originated have long prospered with trade, and was under the influence of the Srivijaya kingdom a long time ago. The jungles have a rare black and white animal, but also is home to dangerous tigers and bears. I should get a view of the peninsula and report back.

                    • 발견물
                    • 말레이 반도 ★★ (지리) 경험치:270 명성:135
                      수마트라 섬 북쪽에 위치하는 반도.말레이인의 근거지이며 옛날부터 교역의 요충지로 번영했다.내륙부는 광대한 밀림이 펼쳐져 있으며 다른 지역에서는 볼 수 없는 동식물이 많이 서식하고 있다.

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