大航海時代 DB

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      몸보다도 긴 꼬리
      기한 없음
      아덴 모험가조합
      This request is from the Guild. A tradesperson from this town said that when he went to Calicut, he saw a creature with a tail longer than he was tall. I thought this might be worthy of investigation, depending on how big it is. First, go ask the tradesperson about this.

                1. 아덴 - Craftsman
                2. 캘리컷 - Passer-by ×2 (N of Maritime Guild, E of Gate)
                4. 캘리컷 - Gatekeeper
                5. 캘리컷 북쪽 - Giant Dead Tree 관찰 생태 조사


                크지도 않고 작지도 않은 2 4 1 청설모

                1. Squirrel with a long tail
                Oh, an animal with a long tail? That must have been a squirrel. I've seen it on the outskirts of Calicut. Are you going to investigate it? In that case, on the street leading to the gate heading out of town, there's a man you should talk to. He's a bit dodgy, but I think he can help you.

                2. I can answer anything
                What is it? I'm very busy... Oh, you're going to the edge of town? Then that's a different story. Then you can ask me anything and I'll answer you too. So you're talking about a squirrel with a tail longer than its body...

                3. I like the forest
                In that case, leave this town and head northwest. If you keep going, you'll see a giant withered tree. The squirrel with the long tail often eats its dinner on top of that tree. And it uses its tail for balance. Hehe... I just love the forest that stretches out from the edge of town.

                4. A strange man
                Were you talking to that man over there? It was about the area outside of town, right? For some time, he's been standing there everyday and acting like a guide to the forest. It's not as if anyone asks him, though. If someone inquires about his reason for doing it, he persists in saying, "I just love the forest." Ah, he's not causing trouble, though.

                5. Investigation of squirrel with a long tail
                It appears that the squirrel with the long tail often eats its meals on top of a giant withered tree to the northwest of the outskirts of Calicut. It supposedly uses its tail at that time for balance. This information was received from a very strange man, but it still might be true. You should go to that place and investigate.

                의뢰 알선서


                FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                발견시 경험치 410, 카드 경험치 102
                보고시 경험치 290, 명성 100, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득

                  • 발견물
                  • 인디안큰청설모 ★★★ (소형생물) 경험치:451 명성:205
                    몸체보다 길고 큰 복실복실한 꼬리가 특징으로,민첩한 움직임으로 나뭇가지의 사이를 뛰어다닌다. 과실이나 열매,곤충 등이 주식. 뒷다리로 나무를 잡고,꼬리로 중심을 유지하면서,앞으로 구부리고 먹이를 먹는다.

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                    몸보다도 긴 꼬리 99994672

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