大航海時代 DB

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          트로이 왕가의 보물
          기한 없음
          알렉산드리아 모험가조합
          A request from a wealthy patron: it is said that the treasures of Troy, the kingdom destroyed by the Trojan War, still lie somewhere, hidden, and he would like to see what they are like. The Trojan War itself was thought to be mythology, but you discovered the ruins of Troy, so maybe the war was real too. Ask around Salonika.

                        트로이전쟁의 이야기 1 1 1 일리아스
                        트로이 8 10 4 트로이 고고학지구
                        트로이 왕가의 보물 8 10 1 프리아모스왕의 보물

                        1. 살로니카 - Talk to Travelling Scholar
                        2. 살로니카 - Talk to Maiden (near the marketkeeper)
                        3. 히살리크 언덕 - use 관찰 , 탐색 N of the upturned boulder by the entrance.

                        1. Treasure of the kings of Troy
                        There is a legend that says this town has treasures that belonged to the Trojan royal family. The city of Troy was set ablaze by the enemy during the Trojan War. I think there was a very high chance that someone tried to take some of the treasures out of the burning castle. What do you think? Ask the people in the town for the exact location.

                        2. Legend of Salonika
                        Yes, I've heard of this before. The old man in the town used to tell it to us when we were little. The treasures should be buried near a boulder north of Troy. I don't think it's really there though.

                        3. Uncover the treasure of Troy
                        I was able to get some information about the treasure in Troy. According to the legend in Thessalonika, the treasure should be buried near a boulder north of the ruins of Troy. Let's go search the area.

                        FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                        Discovery Reward :
                        금세공 x25, 936 Adventure exp

                        Card Reward :
                        프리아모스왕의 보물 468 Adventure exp

                        Quest Reporting Reward :
                        고고학 논문, 180 Adventure exp , 100 Adventure fame

                          • 발견물
                          • 프리아모스왕의 보물 ★★★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:936 명성:355
                            그리스신화에 나오는 트로이 최후의 왕인 프리아모스 왕의 아들인 파리스에 의해 전쟁이 일어나고 트로이는 그리스에게 함락된다.

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                            트로이 왕가의 보물 99994468

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