大航海時代 DB

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      없어진 오른 팔
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      베네치아 모험가조합
      Here's a job from Michelangelo, if you can believe it. You know the statue of Laocoon you were looking into? As you know, the right arm is not from the original statue, so he wants you to search for the real arm. Go talk to Michelangelo yourself for the details.

                        1. 베네치아 미켈란젤로 저택 - Michelangelo
                        2. 나폴리 - Sculptor
                        3. 나폴리 주점 - Barkeep
                        4. 나폴리 서고 - Scholar
                        5. 나폴리 - Sculptor
                        6. 나폴리 근교 - Naples Outskirts - Red Flowers (Center)

                        트로이 전쟁의 전말 8 10 1 라오콘
                        (Current Quest)
                        되살아 나는 트로이 전쟁 11 13 8 라오콘

                        1. Venice Michelangelo Estate - Michelangelo
                        That statue was beautiful enough as it was... Those aristocrats know nothing about how to appreciate art. They only think of wats to make themselves look more important... Forgive me, I didn't mean to make you listen to my ranting. My apprentice who lives in Naples may be able to provide you with more information.

                        2. Naples - Sculptor
                        I was able to take on that job because I had studied under Michelangelo. However, I feel like I've actually done something very wrong... I wouldn't be feeling like this if I knew the whereabouts of the missing arm.

                        3. Naples Tavern - Barkeep
                        Hmm... the statue's missing arm... I think most of the statues found in this area are missing something. You won't find anything in its complete form. Something remaining its original, complete form would have a very high value. That statue you're talking about was found in nearly complete condition, right? It should be worth alot then. Why don't you go talk to a scholar about it?

                        4. Naples Archives - Scholar
                        It's very rare to find a statue preserved in its original, complete form. However, I can also understand the feeling of wanting to rest of it. There was once an excavator who died searching for the missing parts of the statue he found...

                        5. Naples - Sculptor
                        That's it! There's a high chance that the missing arm is located where the statue was found! I'll tell you where it was found so you can go look. I'm sure you guys will be able to find it! It's north of the city outskirts, near where the red flowers bloom.

                        6. Naples Outskirts - Red Flowers (Center)
                        We've been asked to find the missing right arm of Laocoon's statue. There's a very high chance that it's still buried in the ground. We're going to need a lot of perseverance to find the missing right arm. We don't want to die trying Like that excavator we heard about earlier.

                        의뢰 알선서

                        라오콘의 오른 팔

                        FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                        발견시 경험치: 810, 발견물 카드 획득 경험치: 202
                        보고시 경험치: 375, 보고시 명성: 250, 의뢰 알선서 8장 획득

                          • 발견물
                          • 라오콘의 오른 팔 ★★★★★★ (미술품) 경험치:1053 명성:400
                            로마에서 출토한 라오콘상의 꺾인 오른 팔. 라오콘상에는 하늘을 잡을 듯한 오른 팔이 붙어 있었지만,이것은 굽혀져 있다.

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