大航海時代 DB

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퀘스트 -침몰선
-발견물 -장식품 -지도

스킬 대학 -특별스킬
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직업 부관 장비품


임시 대피소에도 되살아 나는 트로이 전쟁 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      되살아 나는 트로이 전쟁
      기한 없음
      나폴리 모험가조합
      Here's a job from Michelangelo. That right arm of Laocoon you discovered has been safely delivered to Venice, but Michelangelo refuses to do the repair work. He wants you to do it instead. I don't know what he's thinking, but you'd better have a talk with him.

                1. 베네치아 미켈란젤로 저택 - Michelangelo 2 times
                2. 베네치아 교회 - Bookstand
                3. 베네치아 교회 - Bookstand
                대리석 Need 5 pieces
                4. 베네치아 교회 - Search (Near Bookstand)

                트로이 전쟁의 전말 8 10 1 라오콘
                없어진 오른 팔 9 11 9 라오콘의 오른 팔
                (Current Quest)

                명품의 수복 작업 1 8
                밀로스 섬을 혼란시킨 여신 12 14 1 밀로의 비너스

                1. Venice Michelangelo Estate - Michelangelo
                I was speechless when I heard about what you did. Instead of searching for what was believed to already have been excavated right arm, you went and dug for it. I'll have to say that I'm very impressed... that's why I've got another request for you.

                2. Venice Michelangelo Estate - Michelangelo
                You're not bad in the industrial arts from what I hear. I would really like to see your skills. The statue and the arm are both at the church. If you can successfully restore the statue I am willing to grant you the first grade artist certification.

                3. Venice Church - Bookstand
                The arm and body parts have eroded after so many years and won't fit in place so easily. I'll need some marble in order to attach these together properly...

                4. Venice Church - Bookstand (Need 5 Marble)
                After mending it with marble, the join worked.

                5. Venice Church - Search (Near Bookstand)
                It looks we fixed the Laocoon statue. We should run a "Search" to make sure we didn't miss anything.

                일급 예술가 인정서



                발견시 경험치: 910, 발견물 카드 획득 경험치: 227,
                보고시 경험치: 450, 보고시 명성: 300, 일급 예술가 인정서 획득

                  • 발견물
                  • 라오콘 ★★★★★★ (미술품) 경험치:1183 명성:455
                    로마에서 출토한 라오콘상의 완전한 모습. 몸을 비틀며 고통을 참는 표정에서,천벌의 무서움이 생생히 전해져 온다.

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                    되살아 나는 트로이 전쟁 99994388

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                    1. 데이터의 표시(다듬어지지 않은 디자인)와 링크 기능만 제공하고 있습니다.
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                    3. 데이터는 8월 16일의 최신 버전에 대응하지 않고 있습니다.