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          이집트의 천공신
          기한 없음
          튀니스 모험가조합
          How knowledgeable are you about ancient Egyptian mythology? Many statues in Egypt feature the entire body or head of a falcon. I'd like you to investigate about that. It might be a good idea to consult with a Scholar in Alexandria.

                      1. 알렉산드리아 서고 - Scholar: Talk to
                      2. 알렉산드리아 서고 - Scholar: Browse books 종교학
                      3. 기자피라미드 유적 내부 - Use 관찰 탐색

                      1. God of the sky
                      Horus of ancient Egyptian myth is the god of the sky. He was the son of Osiris, god of the underworld, and Isis, goddess of fertility.
                      Particularly in the early kingdoms, the pharaoh was considered Horus incarnate. For details, please do check my private religious studies collection.

                      2. Enemy of Osiris
                      Former king of the gods, Osiris, was murdered by his brother, Seth. His wife, Isis, saved their child Horus and exacted revenge. Osiris, restored by Isis, became god of the underworld, and Horus, in plade of his father, became king of the gods and god of the sky.

                      3. Ancient god of Egypt
                      Seems that in the very early kingdoms of ancient Egypt, Horus was considered the king of gods. A search of the interior of the pyramids should reveal statues of Horus.
                      The pyramids are inland from the disembarkment point on the shore opposite Cairo.


                      Discovery Reward:
                      이집트신의 부적 , 110 (55) Adventure Exp

                      Card Reward:
                      호루스상 , 55 (27) Adventure Exp

                      Report Quest Reward:
                      의뢰 알선서 , 60 (30) Adventure Exp, 60 (30) Adventure Fame

                        • 발견물
                        • 호루스상 ★ (종교유물) 경험치:110 명성:40
                          이집트의 신상. 호루스는 오시리스와 이시스의 아들로 천공의 신이다. 세트에게 살해된 아버지의 적을 어머니의 도움에 의해 물리친다. 송골매의 모습,혹은 송골매의 얼굴을 한 모습으로 나타난다.

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