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          비극의 추모
          기한 없음
          튀니스 모험가조합
          Ancient Greece wasn't so much a country as it was a collection of cty statues. They say the most powerful of these cities was Sparta. The Spartan Army was renowned for their prowess on the battlefield, but it is said they were demolished by the Persians. Verify this with the scholar in Athens.

                        1. 아테네 서고 - Talk to the Scholar
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                        고대 그리스 창의 지도 팔랑크스의 창

                        1. Brave warriors of Sparta
                        I believe you're talking about the 2nd Persian war at Thermopylae. Although Leonidas, the king of the Spartans fought bravely there, it is said that his army was destroyed because of a single traitor. For more details, have a look in my library.

                        2. The battle of Thermopylae
                        The brave Spartan king and his men fought against the advancing Persian army at the narrow pass at Thermopylae. However, they were betrayed by a soldier named Ephialtes. The Persian army advanced through a secret hidden path and performed a pincer attack on the Spartans. Despite this, the Spartans all refused to surrender and everyone, including the king, died.

                        3. Remnants of the battle of Thermopylae
                        The defeat of the Spartans was true. Thermopylae is northwest in the outskirts of Athens. There may be something there. Let's look for a large tree in the west.

                          • 발견물
                          • 스파르타정예병의 묘비 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:230 명성:100
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