大航海時代 DB

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          기한 없음
          나폴리 모험가조합
          Apparently, a statue of Ares, the god of war in Greek mythology, was seen in the outskirts of Athens. If you can find it, it might turn out to be something valuable.
          But even if it's outside of town, that's only enough information to begin with, it might be a better idea to obtain information from a Scholar there.

                    1. 아테네 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                    2. 아테네 서고 - Scholar: Browse book 종교학
                    3. 올림피아 지방 - Historic sites in the vicinity of the central 관찰 탐색

                    제우스에게 바치는 제전 1 1 1 올림피아 유적

                    1.Ancient stadium
                    Have heard that, as the god of war, Ares attracted the worship of many warriors. Owing to this, you could see many Ares idols round any ancient hippodrome. There are records concerning ancient hippodromes in my collection also. If interested, would you care to take a look?

                    2.Stadium construction record
                    ...To the Athenian hippodrome prayers were offered blessing the pantheon, statues of many gods were sent from all over Greece, and dedicated to the colonnaded temple.
                    The grandness of this spectacle was beyond description; the temple and the hippodrome received the blessings of the gods on Olympus, and beseeching that they should be forever wrapped in light...

                    3.Statue of divine Mars
                    Records remain to the effect that idols of Ares, god of war, were offered to the temple lined with stone columns at the ruins of Olympia situated west of Athens. It is possible that some idols still holding their shape remain. Locate the vestiges of the colonnaded temple and conduct a search.

                    Discovery Reward:
                    90 (45) Adventure Exp
                    그리스신의 부적

                    Card Reward:

                    Report Quest Reward:
                    60 Adventure Exp, 30 Adventure Fame
                    의뢰 알선서

                      • 발견물
                      • 아레스상 ★ (종교유물) 경험치:90 명성:30
                        그리스신화에 나오는 군신상이다. 로마신화에서는 마르스. 미와 사랑의 여신 아프로디테의 연인으로 둘 사이에 몇 명의 자식이 있다.

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