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The days of the Five Good Emperors of Rome have been called the "happiest days of humanity," but the emperor that followed them was apparently a terrible tyrant. A scholar is studying this emperor, and would like you to gather some information in Naples.
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탐색 near the White Flowers in the Southeast area of map
Left-handed gladiator
You must be referring to the emperor Commodus, who took over after the Five Good Emperors. He left the politics up to his subjects and fought in the Coliseum as a swordsman. Being left-handed, he was able to defeat the other fighters, who were used to right-handed opponents, and never lost. My books may have more on him.
Calling himself a god
10th son of previous emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Raised as an emperor from the day he was born. With no interest in politics, he gave all of his power to his subjects, causing a power struggle. Perhaps due to the numerous assassinations attempts against him, called himself a manifestation of god in his later years. His death was followed by a period of confusion, where there were 6 emperors in one year.
The fighting emperor
Emperor Commodus seems to be a notorious tyrant in Roman history. He had no interest politics, so the subjects who were given his powers engaged in a power struggle. Meanwhile, the emperor fought as a gladiator. Perhaps relics of him can be found outside of Naples.
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