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            이집트 왕의 유물
            기한 없음
            아테네 모험가조합
            You know about the three large pyramids near Cairo, right? No ordinary amount of power and prosperity could have created those... who knows what vast riches lie inside! See what you can find out from the scholar in Alexandria.

                      1. 알렉산드리아 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                      2. 알렉산드리아 서고 - Scholar: Browse 고고학 book
                      3. 기자지방 - From the pyramid near 관찰 탐색

                      기자피라미드 조사 1 2 1 기자 피라미드

                      1. The ultimate authority
                      It seems like the ancient Egyptians viewed the Pharaohs like living gods. They had control over all of the politics, economics, and religion. That's why they were able to construct something like the Pyramids. If you are looking for relics, you should read through my books related to archaeology.

                      2. Sculpture of the Pharaoh
                      The Pharaohs of Egypt created statues in their likeness to place in their tombs and temples. They are often shaped to resemble gods.
                      The three kings, lords of the Pyramids, also must have placed many statues in the building.
                      They most likely accompany their wives.

                      3. Sculpture of master of the Pyramids
                      I can get to the Giza region by landing on the shore opposite of Cairo and moving inland. I can probably find statues of the Pharaohs by searching near the Pyramids.
                      I should use "Search" near the Pyramids.

                      FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                      Discovery Reward:
                      신성 문자의 부적 220 Adventure Exp

                      Card Reward:
                      멘카우라왕의 삼신상 110 Adventure Exp

                      Report Quest Reward:
                      의뢰 알선서 100 Adventure Exp, 50 Adventure Fame

                        • 발견물
                        • 멘카우라왕의 삼신상 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:220 명성:95
                          멘카우라 왕은 기자의 피라미드 중에서 가장 작은 피라미드의 주인이다. 이것은 멘카우라 왕과 양 옆의 두 기둥의 여신상이다.

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                          이집트 왕의 유물 99994272

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