大航海時代 DB

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          묻혀있는 로마 유적
          기한 없음
          베네치아 모험가조합
          They say that ancient pottery is sometimes discovered near Naples, and one scholar is convinced that there are ruins of an ancient civilization in the area. So your task would be to find these ruins. Ask around at Naples tavern. Good luck!

                                1. 나폴리 주점 - Merchant: Talk to
                                2. 나폴리 서고 - Scholar: Talk to
                                3. 나폴리 서고 - Scholar: Browse books 고고학
                                4. 캄파니아 지방 (Campagna) - Use 관찰 인식 near the ruins.

                                숨겨진 보물의 지도 숨겨진 보물의 지도
                                고대 장신구의 지도 고대 장신구의 지도 ★1 유리장신구
                                고대 금세공의 지도 고대 금세공의 지도 ★1 금장신구

                                카이사르의 검 4 6 4 카이사르의 검
                                알렉산더대왕의 초상 1 1 7
                                군신 대 군신 9 11 9 스키피오의 투구
                                주신의 저택 1 2 2 디오니시오스의 관의 모자이크화
                                나라의 보물 1 8

                                1. Only junk
                                It's true that we can find old ceramics on the outskirts of this town, but nothing that isn't out of the ordinary. Archaeologist never come to investigate, either. Ruins? I wonder...Hey, why not ask the Scholar of this town? He might have some research materials.

                                2. The forest called 'Town'
                                Ruins on the town outskirts? It isn't impossible... That reminds me, If you proceed inland from the outskirts, there is a forest that is called "town."
                                It is called Civita. If there was really a town here in the past, that name would make some sense. Why not take a look at my archaeology research materials?

                                3. Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
                                When Mt. Vesuvius erupted, the residents of Pompeii fled with their household possessions. However, the sick and weak were unable to flee.
                                When the town was suddenly overcome with a black cloud rushing down from the mountain, they were buried alive as the town was went up in a flash of smoke and fire. That was the end of Pompeii.

                                4. The ruins of Pompeii
                                If you proceed inland past the outskirts of Naples, you might find the ruins of Pompeii said to have been buried by the volcanic eruption.
                                Look for a place where you can proceed inland from the outskirts and investigate beyond there.
                                You should be able to use "Recognition" to confirm.

                                Discovery Reward:
                                100 (50) Adventure Exp

                                Card Reward:
                                폼페이 유적 , 50 (25) Adventure Exp

                                Report Quest Reward:
                                의뢰 알선서 , 40 (20) Adventure Exp, 40 (20) Adventure Fame

                                  • 발견물
                                  • 폼페이 유적 ★ (사적) 경험치:100 명성:15
                                    베수비오 화산이 크게 폭발해 한 순간에 무너져버린 고대 로마 도시. 지진 때 분출한 화산재로 덮여있기 때문에 당시의 생활과 문화를 알 수 있는 다양한 유물과 유적이 선명하게 남아있다.

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