大航海時代 DB

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      기한 없음
      마르세이유 모험가조합
      I heard you know alot about The Iliad. Well, this job is about finding something that relates to the heroes of the Trojan War, so it should be perfect for you! It's a pretty casual job, but if you're interested, go talk to a scholar in Athens.

                          1. 아테네 서고 - Talk to scholar
                          2. 아테네 서고 - Read 종교학 book (need 그리스어 )
                          3. 아테네 서고 - Talk to scholar again
                          4. 이스탄불 서고 - Talk to scholar
                          5. 이스탄불 서고 - Read 고고학 books x2 (need 터키어 )
                          7. 이스탄불 서고 - Talk to scholar again
                          8. 히살리크 언덕 - Use 관찰 & 인식 in the ruins to the east

                          트로이전쟁의 이야기 1 1 1 일리아스
                          트로이 8 10 4 트로이 고고학지구
                          트로이 왕가의 보물 8 10 1 프리아모스왕의 보물

                          미케네의 왕 10 12 1 아가멤논의 황금마스크
                          바람을 받는 동체상 12 14 1 사모트라케의 니케상

                          고대 마을의 지도
                          고대의 보석세공의 지도
                          고대 제사장의 지도

                          1. I don't think it existed
                          The Iliad is a wonderful epic poem that is full of despair. It is bound to be a valuable resource for researching ancient Greece. However, it is difficult to imagine that heroes like Achilles or Hector really existed. Would you like me to help you if you find something in my religious studies library?

                          2. Hero of the battle of Troy
                          Many heroes participated in the series of battles with the allied forces of Troy and Greece. For Greece, the general commander was the King Mycenae of Agamemnon, who commanded Achilles, Odysseus and others. The general commander for Troy was Prince Hector. For reinforcements, the queen of Amazones and the king of Ethiopia joined the battles.

                          3. Consistant with real geography
                          Listening to this again, there are a few strange parts. There are very many actual place names used in Greek mythology. We hear stories that include places such as Mycenae and Ethiopia. Could it be that only Troy was made up? It might be a good idea to ask the Scholar in Istanbul.

                          4. A place corresponding to Troy
                          Troy? according to the Iliad and the Oddysey, geographically speaking, it would match the coastline of the Anatolian peninsula. There is no place remaining today with that name, but the Anatolian peninsula is rich in mineral resources. A large city or nation may have existed there. Investigate some books from my library.

                          5. Resources of the Anatolia Peninsula
                          As is understood from how the Hittites flourished, the Anatolian peninsula is rich in mineral resources. Land rich in resources would be a likely source of conflict regarding the rights to those resources. Especially for land containing mineral resources which can be used to make weapons. It was likely a scene of many battles during a time of many wars.

                          6. The world before ancient Greece
                          Little is known about things before the ancient Greek times, but guesses have been made. Because ancient Greece itself was a collection of city-states, it is thought that many states fought against each other and were engaged in constant battle. Because sailing technology had been developed, these battles probably covered great distances.

                          7. It is just a guess
                          But of course there is no clear historiacal record. However, it is unlikely that the Anatolian peninsula was completely peaceful. If you investigate around the Anatolian peninsula, you might be able to discover some evidence of Troy. If you were able to find the remains of the city of Troy, that would be a great discovery!

                          8. Did Troy exist
                          If Troy reallt did exist, it is thought that it would have lay on the Anatolian peninsula which spreads out opposite the east shore of Athens. It would be a wonderful discovery if you found city remains. Look for the place on the Anatolian peninsula where you can go on shore, and check carefully to see if you can proceed inland.

                          의뢰 알선서

                          트로이 고고학지구

                          FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

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                            • 트로이 고고학지구 ★★★★★★ (사적) 경험치:1027 명성:360
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