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There have been many legends told about the lost city of Atlantis, but one of them suggests that it was located in the Aegean Sea. It's just an offhand rumour, but can you look into it? Ask around at the tavern in Candia.
간디아 주점 - Talk to a Merchant
동 지중해 - Sea northeast of Candia, just a little bi(around 1167,3324)
관찰 인식 1.Rumour of destruction by volcano
That kind of theory has been making the rounds lately. I don't know if there is any proof or not, but the volcanic eruptions have been lessening.
There is an island near here with a volcano, north of this town. But I don't believe that it could be that little island.
2. Volcanic island in the Aegean Sea
There is a volcano on a small island to the north of Candia. Did Atlantis ever really exist? maybe the eruption made the island smaller
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인식 " around an island meeting that description.
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