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              고대 이집트의 건축기술
              기한 없음
              아테네 모험가조합
              In the central regions of the Nile, there is a temple complex collectively called Karnak, which we would like you to go explore. The aristocrats are hungry for new discoveries in that area. Start by going to the Adventurer's Guild in Alexandria.

                          1. 알렉산드리아 모험가조합 - Adventure Guild in Alexandria
                          2. 알렉산드리아 서고 - Scholar in Alexandria
                          3. 룩소르지방 - Central Nile Landing Point 관찰 인식

                          산 자의 도시 2 4 1 룩소르 카르낙 신전

                          1.Product of the ultimate building technology
                          The Karnak and Luxor temples? Yes, those are huge, and the investigations are taking a long time.
                          They say the ancient Egyptians were great architects. Ask the town scholar about that temple, he is an expert on the subject.

                          2.Head temple of the ancient Egyptian faith
                          The Karnak & Luxor temple complex is a huge conglomeration of temples including the Great Temple of Amen, Precint of Mut, and the temple of Chons. It is the centre of ancient Egyptians religion.
                          It was completed by Ramses II, but given the size it should have taken 100 years or more.

                          3.Pillars of the Karnak & Luxor temples
                          The Karnak & Luxor temples took more than 100 years to complete. I should look for any interesting buildings.
                          The temple can be accessed by landing from the middle of the Nile river and heading inland. I should use "Recognition" around the building.

                          의뢰 알선서

                          큰 대열의 기둥

                          FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                            • 발견물
                            • 큰 대열의 기둥 ★ (종교건축물) 경험치:180 명성:75
                              카르낙 신전의 대열주실에 나란히 선 134개의 석주. 높이 23m의 기둥과 15m의 기둥이 있다. 이것을 만들게 한 것은 고대 이집트의 파라오 람세스 2세이다.

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                              고대 이집트의 건축기술 99994154

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