大航海時代 DB

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      크레타 섬의 전설
      기한 없음
      세비야 모험가조합
      I hear you discovered ruins on the outskirts of Candia. Well, now there is a request for a thorough exploration of those ruins. Go to Candia before you head to the ruins though, and listen to the people's tales of the ruins.

                            1. 간디아 - speak with Maiden (south of town official)
                            2. 크노소스 유적 내부 - use Search on the right side of the clickable Altar thing


                            라비린스의 전설 6 8 4 크노소스 궁전
                            Legends from Crete

                            1. Legend of the minotaur
                            King Minos' son, a half-man, half-bull creature called a Minotaur, was apparently locked away in a temple not too far from the city. Axes were used to offer the beast sacrifices and you'll find those lying about here and there. However, the axe on the pedestal is believed to the Minotaur. I guess you can't really believe in a myth but there's no way to tell if it's true unless you actually see it for yourself.

                            2. Relics of myth and history
                            The ruins in Crete have a deep connection to the myth. Apparently the double bladed axe still remains in the ruins. Let's do a search around the pedestal and find the axe.

                            의뢰 알선서




                            발견시 경험치 530, 카드 경험치 132, 라비리스
                            보고시 경험치 160, 명성 170, 의뢰 알선서 7 획득

                              • 발견물
                              • 라비리스 ★★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:636 명성:250
                                에게해에서 피어난 크레타 문명의 종교적 상징. 양날의 도끼모양으로 많은 장소에 조각되어 있다. 미노스 왕의 궁전은 라비린토스라고 불린다.

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                                크레타 섬의 전설 99994108

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