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      베네치아의 의사
      기한 없음
      세비야 모험가조합
      Your report on the Vesalius issue to the King's Castle in Spain brought another Request. They can't decide on a good doctor. For details go to the King's Castle in Seville and ask.

              1. 세비야 왕궁 - speak with Cardinal Tabera
              2. 베네치아 파라셀수스저택 - speak with Paracelsus
              3. 베네치아 주점 - speak with Barkeep
              4. 베네치아 파라셀수스저택 - speak with Paracelsus
              브랜디 3 brandy required

              세계 제일의 명의 1 3
              The Venetian doctor
              별 읽는 명의 1 1
              노스트라다무스의 예언 1 1 4
              신의 손을 가진 의사 1 1
              의사의 임무 1 1
              옛날 의학 1 1
              의사의 맹세 1 3 1 의사의 맹세

              1. The great doctor of Venice
              About Vesalius, His Highness showed great interest. But there's the problem with his rejection of Galen's theories. Not to mention, he declined anyway. Since other people are objecting to this, I think it sounds all too difficult. Well, I want you to continue looking for a well-known physician. I've heard some things about a noted doctor in Venice. Go investigate.

              2. Is Paracelsus a magician?
              Become the king's court physician? Well, since I learned about alchemy, what is the world saying about me? I'm a magician? Or a charlatan Alchemist? And no one recognizes me as a doctor. There is no way I could be the court physician. And I know a better physician than me anyway... Ah, just go look for yourself.

              3. Paracelsus' favorite food...
              You want to loosen up Paracelsus' tongue? He may not look it, but he really loves to drink alcohol. And brandy is his favorite drink of all. If you bring him three barrels, he's sure to be overjoyed. And that should really get him talking.

              4. A great doctor
              So who gave you the idea about this brandy? Well, anyway, I'll tell you. I thought of fusing alchemy and medicine due to the influence of a certain well-known physician. He wanted to study alchemy and research about medicines, but said it wasn't possible because he didn't have the knowledge. So I thought I'd step into his shoes instead, But where is he...

              5. The continuing search for a great doctor!
              Paracelsus said that, because he studied alchemy, society has looked on him with scorn, so he can't be the court physician. He also mentioned there's a well-known doctor who gave him the idea of fusing alchemy and medicine, but he doesn't know where they are now, or maybe...

              의뢰 알선서


              보고시 경험치 35, 명성 44, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득

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                  베네치아의 의사 99994018

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