이집트 최후의 왕조
기한 없음
베네치아 모험가조합
Ancient Egypt actually had many different eras. The last era, known as the Ptolemaic Dynasty, wasn't even founded by Egyptians. This next job is to find relics pertaining to this foreign founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Ask the scholar in Alexandria for help, because this will not be an easy task.




알렉산드리아 서고 - Scholar: Talk to
알렉산드리아 서고 - Scholar: Broswe books
이집트 북쪽 해안 - Use

1. Egypt dynasty of the Macedonians
Ptolemy eas one of the generals who served Alexander the Great. He was the governor-general of Egypt until he declared independence and created his dinasty. Since Alexandria is the capitol, there is sure to be many artefacts in the area. You can go to my library for more details.

2. Ptolemaic dynasty
Ptolemy, who was a general of Macedonia, became the governor-general of Egypt after Alexander the Great's death. He later became the king of Egypt. He made Alexandria the capitol and the city prospered greatly. The east side of town was the most developed white the west had temples and a mausoleum.

3. Relics of Ptolemy I
Alexandria's west side was home to many temples. There is a place where we can start our search from there. Let's look in the southwest where the human bones are.
Discovery Reward:
280 (140) Adventure Exp
Card Reward:
프톨레마이오스1세의 왕홀 , 140 (70) Adventure Exp
Report Quest Reward:
의뢰 알선서 , 130 (65) Adventure Exp, 140 (70) Adventure Fame
- 발견물
프톨레마이오스1세의 왕홀 ★★ (역사유물) 경험치:280 명성:125
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