大航海時代 DB

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              아름다운 기사
              기한 없음
              베네치아 모험가조합
              I can't divulge the name, but the request is from a well-known Admiral.
              Once there was a woman who, as a knight, put together a huge army and fought Rome. It's about her that they want you to investigate.
              There may be some hints in Naples, which is close to Rome.

                          1. 나폴리 주점 - 주점주인과 대화
                          2. 나폴리 서고 - 고고학 장서 열람
                          3. 알렉산드리아 - 휴게소 주인과 대화
                          4. 베이루트 - 휴게소 주인과 대화 ×2회
                          워드 워드 2 필요

                          아름다운 기사
                          검이 잠들어 있는 신전 1 4 6
                          제노비아의 작은 검 4 6 4 제노비아여왕의 작은 검

                          1. Commander of Palmyra
                          A female warrior who fought against Rome? Rome once suffered a great defeat to a country named Palmyra, which was led by a woman. Rome later subdued them and she was captured and taken to Rome. Should be something about it in the Archives.

                          2. The prisoners' record
                          After we destroyed Palmyra, we captured Zenobia and paraded her around Rome. Then, as a sign of respect, we excused her from punishment and freed her. Though, she refused and chose to starve to death.
                          Later, her Aides were freed in Alexandria.

                          3. Queen Zenobia
                          Stories about Zenobia are famous here.
                          The King fell in love with her and made her queen. She led his army and, after his death, fought Rome in honour of his wishes.
                          Seems Palmyra was located easy of what is now known as Beirut.

                          4. The queen's treasure
                          Palmyra was likely located east of here.
                          Zenobia trained and led an army that defeated the Persia and tormented the Romans. And she always led from the front. Well, there's a valuable item that aided her valour...
                          So can you buy me two barrels of dyed wood?

                          5. Idle desert sword
                          Oh, thanks for the wood. Well Palmyra was wiped out by Rome and the queen's palace was laid to ruin. But her trusted sword still lies hidden in the desert.
                          Even I don't know where, but why not search for it if you like?

                          6. Handsome knight
                          Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, which was located east of what is now Beirut, led an army that punished Rome greatly. She was eventually captured and Palmyra was destroyed. She wasn't executed, but she refused to eat and died nobly.

                          의뢰 알선서


                          보고시 경험치 50, 명성 80, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득

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                              아름다운 기사 99993891

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