大航海時代 DB

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      세우타 가면의 소문
      기한 없음
      리스본 모험가조합
      About the Cursed Mask of Ceuta that you gathered stories about, the guild decided to disregard it after classifing it as a harmless and factless rumour.
      But I personally have a funny feeling about it. So could you go to Ceuta and perfome a small follow-up investigation? If you can clear things up. I'll make it worth your while.

                1. 세우타 - Farmer (on square, opposite of the church)
                2. 세우타 - Woman (next to farmer)
                3. 세우타 - Young Fisherman (near school)
                4. 세우타 주점 - Merchant in tavern 2X
                6. 아프리카 북쪽 해안 - Africa North coast, east layered rocks 관찰 탐색

                괴이한 가면의 소문 1
                세우타 가면의 소문

                1. Local rumour
                What? A Mask? So you know about that too? See? It is not only me pointing this out. Ha-ha, see that? On the shores east of the city there is a place of sorts to land. But don't o too close or you will encounter certain doom.

                2. Surprised face
                Aah! Who brought the tale of doom here? Where do you meet these people? Foolish nonsense! Fisherman often land on the eastern shores to seek shelter form strong winds. It has become a kind of reguge.

                3. Fisherman's evacuation spot
                I think the fisherman around here make land on the eastern shores to seek refuge. The open sea is dangerous when winds are strong. Rumour of a mask? A strange mask was seen near the layered rocks in the east. Traders and the like often seek shelter there too. Why dont you ask?

                4. Proof of trade
                A mask? I don't know about that. I could tell you what kind of space this is that the fishermanspeak of near the layered rocks, but I don't know if you will be able to grasp the religious aspects? Can you?

                5. Remains of stacked rocks
                This region has been influenced by the western spread of Islam, the Reconquista and ancient African customs. Whitout interest in indigenous religions, ceremonial items were discarded and altars destroyed. Those layered rocks are the remains of the altar.

                6. Festival utensils of the indigenous religion
                information has been recieved that in the north of Africa, near the landing point east of Ceuta, there is a hill in the east circled by layerd rocks. This area is the ruins of an altar used in indigenous religious ceremonies, but the items used were discarded. The mask is likely to have been among them. You may come across it by using Search

                모험가조합 등록증



                FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                발견 시 - 모험경험 30, 카드 획득 시 - 모험경험 7, 제례용가면
                보고 시 - 모험경험 60, 모험명성 80, 모험가조합 등록증 획득

                  • 발견물
                  • 제례용가면 ★ (종교유물) 경험치:30 명성:15
                    제례에서 사용되는 가면. 엄격함을 지니게 하기 위해서인지 기묘한 표정이다. 새의 깃털이나 색돌 등으로 아름답게 장식되어 있다.

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                    2017-10-20 17:16
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                    세우타 가면의 소문 99993886

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