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            묵시록에 전해지는 대하
            기한 없음
            베네치아 모험가조합
            You had a job surveying the Tigris River before, didn't you? Well, there's another large river right near it called the Euphrates; you know, the one in Revelations. Go take a look after studying a bit at the Naples archives.

                          1. 나폴리 서고 - Scholar; Talk to
                          2. 나폴리 서고 - Read 종교학 Book
                          3. 페르시아만 - Near Basra 관찰 인식

                          고대 문명을 기른 강 3 5 1 티그리스강
                          River From Revelations

                          1. Four angels
                          The Revelation of John predicts the end of the world. In this revelation, it is written that four angels are chained to the banks of the Euphrates. If you are going to survey the Euphrates, you might be able to view things from a different perspective if you read St. John's revelation first.

                          2. Book of revelations 9:15
                          The voice spoke to the sixth angel holding the trumpet. "Let free the four angels chained to the Great Euphrates" and with this. the angels were set free. This is to kill a third of all mankind. Their cavalry numbered 200 million. Their houses breached fire, smoke and sulphur and a third of all mankind died.

                          3. Terrifying prophecy
                          The Euphrates River which flows into the Persian Gulf is said to be chained to four vicious angels, according to St. John's Revelation. This was a great river even in the age when the New Testament was written, then and today. Look around Basra at the end of the Persian Gulf


                          Discovery:250 Adv Exp
                          Card:125 Adv Exp and 유프라테스강
                          Report:520 Adv Exp,280 Adv Fame and 해양측량기술교본

                            • 발견물
                            • 유프라테스강 ★★ (지리) 경험치:250 명성:125
                              페르시아를 가로지르는 큰 강. 티그리스강과 나란히 흘러 하류에서 합류한다. 이 강의 이름은 성서에도 몇 번이나 등장한다. 묵시록에서는 이 강변에 4명의 천사가 묶여있다고 한다. 그들은 인류의 3분의 1을 죽이기 위해 나타난다고 한다.

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                              묵시록에 전해지는 대하 99993847

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