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      그 문자가 나타내는 것
      기한 없음
      리스본 모험가조합
      You successfully investigated the River Niger, didn't you? A Scholar here has asked us to present this request to the Sailor who accomplished that feat. I'm not sure why, but just listen to what they have to say.

                  1. 리스본 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                  2. 리스본 주점 - Talk to Barkeep
                  3. 리스본 서고 - Talk to Scholar again
                  4. 카보베르데 - Talk to city official
                  5. 곡물해안 앞바다 - 관찰 & 인식 near 15594,4152 east by northeast of Cabo Verde

                  대제국의 길 1 3 1 나이저강
                  Currently here

                  Pre-discovery for
                  대지의 약동 5 7 1 아프리카 물소

                  1. Mysterious notes
                  The other day, I found a note while tidying up my bookshelves. It mentions words such as "Sanaja", "Sunugal" and "The river Niger"... But I could not make out any more of it. Since you already investigated the Niger river, you may be able to shed light on this. Please, investigate this if you will.

                  2. Ring of words
                  "Sanaja" and "Sunugal" don't really sound like European words, don't you think? The sound of it just has a... different ring. Well you can tell the scholar that, at least. Though I can't promise that I'm right.

                  3. Language of the African people
                  Now that you mention it... And the Niger river is a river in Africa... In that case, this may be in the language of some African tribe. The town official in Cabo Verde is an expert on tribal languages. You should speak with him.

                  4. Meaning of words
                  "Sanaja" means river in Berber, while "Sunugal" is Wolof for "my ship". Perhaps what you are searching for is a river with a similar name to one of those words? There is a river, north along the land from a cape to the east of this town. Go and investigate there.

                  5. Investigation of river flowing through Africa
                  "Sanaja" and "Sunugal" seem to refer to some river in Africa. Go to the cape east of Cabo Verde, then north along the coast and search there.

                  의뢰 알선서



                    • 발견물
                    • 세네갈강 ★★ (지리) 경험치:210 명성:105
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