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      고대 로마 5현제
      기한 없음
      리스본 모험가조합
      Do you know the "Five Good Emperors" of Rome? The first of them is Nerva, and there is a request to find relics pertaining to him. Perhaps if you study his rule, you'll find some clues. Ask the scholar in Naples.

                1. 나폴리 서고 - Scholar
                2. 나폴리 서고 - 고고학 Arch book
                3. 나폴리 교회 - Church upper left corner 관찰 탐색

                Start of the ago of the five wise emperors
                Nerva himself did not leave much in terms of accomplishments. However, compared to the predecessor Domitianus, who was famous for his reign of terror, Nerva was a great ruler.
                He is also known for appointing Trajan, a great commander, as his successor. Please look in my books for more information.

                Proof of successes
                The last achievement of any ruler is his appointment of his successor. Nerva chose Trajan, a man of great skill, even though the two were not related in blood.
                Trajan went on to expand the Roman Empire beyond any other ruler in its history. It can be said that Neva accomplished a great achievement.

                Deeds of emperor Nerva
                Nerva himself did not perform a great architectural project or military campaign. Then, anything left of him would be around Rome.
                Perhaps I will start at the church in Naples. I will start at the far end of the church, to the left.

                의뢰 알선서

                명군 오브

                네르바황제의 브론즈동상


                Discovery exp 90, Card exp 22, Great ruler's orb
                Report quest exp 60, Fame 60, 1QMP

                  • 발견물
                  • 네르바황제의 브론즈동상 ★ (역사유물) 경험치:90 명성:30
                    고대 로마 5현제 중의 한 사람인 네르바 황제의 상. 전 황제와 혈연이 없었으며 자신도 트라야누스를 양자로 삼아 후계자로 세웠다. 그 이후에도 뛰어난 인물을 양자로 삼아 후계자로 세웠다.

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                    2018-03-14 23:38

                    고대 로마 5현제 99993814

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